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Mineral Exploration & Activity on ODWC Managed Lands

As stewards of lands entrusted to ODWC, it is our priority to protect the integrity of the wildlife and environmental resources therein for present and future generations.

Production on Department Lands

(such as: seismographic survey, oil and gas exploration, pipe line, powerline, and lease road construction)


Upon receiving above information, the request will be reviewed by the Wildlife Lands & Minerals Coordinator- who will then establish necessary contacts and working relationships with interested parties. 

For more information concerning Mineral Exploration and/or Activity on ODWC Managed Lands, please contact:

Kristen Gillman
Wildlife Lands & Minerals Coordinator
(405) 522-6281 

[References: Title 800:30-3 / Title 29; 3-304]

Mineral Leasing

The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation has contracted with The Commissioners of the Land Office to provide management services as it relates to the oil and gas interest on lands owned by ODWC.

Mineral leasing is conducted through the competitive bidding process.

To contact the commissioners of the Land Office call (405) 521-4000 or their minerals division at (405) 521-4124