Page 22 - 2021 JAN/FEB Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine
P. 22

                •  Total  applicants (includes first                                                                J.N. STUART/FLICKR CC-BYNCND2
                  and second choice preferences):
                •  Total permits available: 105
                •  Overall odds of getting drawn for
                  any one permit: 1 in 143

                PRONGHORN HUNT
                APPLICATION TIP
                •  Pronghorn controlled hunts are
                  once-in-a-lifetime draws; make
                  sure you can attend on hunt day(s).
                •  The best odds are obtained when
                  you put in for both the buck and
                  doe hunt.

                                                           2020 Pronghorn Hunts
                Hunt Location          Number  Hunt Type  Begin Date  End Date  Permit Type  Applicants  Allowed  Draw Ratio  Rank
                Cimarron County         2001   Gun     9/3/20  9/6/20       Either-Sex     6,865  20  1 in 343.25  3
                Cimarron County         2002   Gun     9/7/20  9/16/20       Doe Only      1,618  50  1 in 32.36  2
                Texas County            2010   Gun     9/3/20  9/6/20       Either Sex     5,884  10  1 in 588.4  4
                Texas County            2011   Gun     9/7/20  9/16/20       Doe Only      651    25  1 in 26.04  1


                What is the Controlled Hunts program?             If I apply for controlled hunts long enough, am I guaran-
                  This annual Wildlife Department program awards hunting  teed to be drawn?
                opportunities to applicants selected in a random drawing. These   No; drawings are random from the entire pool of applicants.
                controlled hunts are held in places where unrestricted hunting  But your odds get better every year you submit an application
                would pose safety concerns or where overharvest might occur,  because you earn preference points in subsequent drawings.
                such as in a wildlife management area of a smaller size. There
                were 5,711 controlled hunts permits offered last year for deer,  If I can’t attend my controlled hunt, do I get my preference
                elk, pronghorn and turkey.                        points back?
                                                                    No. Once selected, your points in that category are reset to zero.
                Who can apply?
                  Any resident or nonresident who possesses a valid hunting  Can I apply with a group of friends for a hunt?
                license or who is otherwise exempt may apply for controlled   Yes, but since one person submits the group application, make
                hunts. A full of listing of valid hunting licenses is available  sure all of the information for each group member is correct or
                online at Applicants must purchase the  your group could be disqualified.
                license prior to applying for controlled hunts. Applicants who are
                eligible for, and possess, apprentice-designated hunting licenses  If I apply with a group of four for a hunt, how are our pref-
                may also apply (although some hunts require hunter education  erence points calculated?
                certification by the date of the hunt.)             Example: One person has 1 preference point, one has 2, one
                                                                  has 3 and one has 4. The total for the group is 10 preference
                What does it cost?                                points. The group total is averaged for each member, which
                  All hopeful hunters (including lifetime license holders) must  equals 2.5 points each, which is then rounded to 3 points. The
                pay a $5 application fee to enter the controlled hunts drawing.  group is assigned 3 preference points.
                This fee is paid only once per person per year, regardless of the
                number of categories entered. You may pay the application fee  What if I have an email address change after I apply?
                with a Visa or MasterCard debit or credit card. If drawn, additional   Simply make any changes in your online Go Outdoors Okla-
                license and user fees may apply for specific hunts.   homa account. All postal mail correspondence with drawing
                                                                  participants moved online several years ago.
                Can I keep accumulating points indefinitely?
                  Yes, until your name is drawn or if you do not apply in a given  If I am a nonresident hunter, can I apply for a controlled hunt?
                category for five consecutive years.                Yes! Go to for more information.
                20                                                                               OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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