Page 24 - 2021 JAN/FEB Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine
P. 24

By Don P. Brown, Information Specialist
             We Be Slammin’!
             We Be Slammin’!
             We Be Slammin’!

                Oklahoma Big Game Hunters Have New Cy Curtis Quests

                  Are you a big game hunter? Just how good of a hunter are   A hunter who has taken each of the five big game animals is
                you? The Wildlife Department is setting forth a new challenge  eligible for the Oklahoma Slam Award. Those harvests can be from
                just for you.                                     various years and using any of the various legal methods of take.
                  Introducing the Oklahoma Slam and Oklahoma Super Slam for   A hunter who is able to harvest all five big game animals
                big game hunting!                                 in Oklahoma during the same annual season will become an
                  Those who can claim these titles will be recognized as being  Oklahoma Super Slam Award winner, as well as an Oklahoma
                among the most accomplished hunters in Oklahoma.   Slam Award winner. Again, any legal method of take, mixed or
                  The Slam and Super Slam are two new categories being  matched, will qualify.
                                      added in the Oklahoma Depart-  “There are probably some people who have already done the
                                      added in the Oklahoma Depart-
                                      ment  of  Wildlife  Conservation’s
                                      ment  of  Wildlife  Conservation’s  Slam,” said Nels Rodefeld, Chief of Information and Education
                                       Cy Curtis Awards Program, which
                                       Cy Curtis Awards Program, which  for the Wildlife Department. “We won’t know until we open it
                                       recognizes the state’s notable big
                                       recognizes the state’s notable big  up for applications.”
                                       game animals and the hunters
                                       game animals and the hunters   We know there is at least one Oklahoma man who qualifies for
                                       who harvest them.
                                       who harvest them.          both awards: Brandon Adams of Prague. Adams was the inspira-
                                         These new Slam categories take  tion for the creation of these new Slam awards.
                                       the state’s official record book and   Applications for the Slam and Super Slam will be available
                                       the state’s official record book and
                                        amp it up a notch or two.  on the Wildlife Department’s Cy Curtis Awards page at www.
                                        amp it up a notch or two.
                                         The individual big game cate- sometime early in 2021. Applicants will
                                        gories recognized in the Cy Curtis
                                        gories recognized in the Cy Curtis  submit information about each of their harvests, such as date
                                        Awards Program are for white- taken, method of take, and location of their hunt. The applicant
                                        Awards Program are for white-
                                        tailed deer, mule deer, elk, prong-
                                        tailed deer, mule deer, elk, prong-  will be encouraged to submit photos of them with each of their
                                        horn and black bear. Now, the  harvests. There is no cost to apply for any Cy Curtis Award.
                                        horn and black bear. Now, the
                                         program is recognizing top-tier   Those who are certified as Slam or Super Slam award winners
                                         hunters who know about Okla-  will be recognized with a listing in the official Oklahoma Cy
                                         homa’s diverse harvest opportu-  Curtis Record Book, a certificate, a congratulatory letter from
                                         nities and who have successfully  the Department Director, and recognition on the ODWC website
                                         harvested at least one of each.  and in Outdoor Oklahoma magazine.
                22                                                                               OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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