Page 25 - 2021 JAN/FEB Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine
P. 25

We Be Slammin’!
 We Be Slammin’!  The Inspiration Behind the Slam Awards                                                            ProviDeD

                By Don P. Brown, Information Specialist

                  Brandon Adams (age) shares his story on his My World Out-
                doors website. He was raised in Prague, where he grew up jug-
                gling farm responsibilities and participating in school sports. His
                father, Homer Adams, introduced him to hunting at an early age.
                  Through trial and error and shooting competitive archery,
                Adams improved his hunting skills. Since harvesting his first
                deer at age 10, Adams has harvested mature bucks and big game
                animals across the country.
                  Since first entering the outdoors industry in 2006, Adams
                has traveled across the country for hunting adventures, but he’s
                always thought of his home state as a “hidden gem” in regards
                to hunting opportunities. He realized that anyone in Oklahoma  Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
                could buy the required hunting licenses over the counter and   Wildlife Department Assistant Chief Wade Free said that he
                harvest all five of the state’s big game animals. “How cool would  and many colleagues he’s asked have never heard of anyone
                it be to do this all in one year, if you could?” he asked himself.  taking all of Oklahoma’s big game animals in one year, especially
                  So, that became his quest in 2018-19 seasons.   doing so with only archery equipment.
                  At the time, Adams had more than 10 years of field production   For his amazing feat, Adams was invited to the Oklahoma Wildlife
                experience. He's been producing and editing outdoor television  Conservation Commission’s August 2020 meeting in Oklahoma City.
                shows since 2010 including “Buckventures” and “Major League  Commissioners approved a resolution honoring Adams for complet-
                Bowhunter.” And over the years, he’s learned many things about  ing his quest in 2018 and for his promotion of hunting in Oklahoma.
                the art of filming outdoor adventures. His favorite part of the   In part, the resolution states that Adams “has proven to be a
                process is putting the hunts together and telling a story in  distinguished ambassador for hunting in Oklahoma and across
                post-production, he wrote.                        the nation … and showcased Oklahoma as a diverse big game
                  It was just natural that as Adams set out on his quest for Okla-  destination for thousands of hunters across the nation.”
                homa’s Big Five, he would document his experience on video.   Commission Chairman Bruce Mabrey of Okmulgee knew about
                  Adams networked with various sources to line up hunting  Adams’ goal early on. “I know he’s worked very hard to get this
                opportunities, including people with the Wildlife Department.   accomplished. To do it with a bow is just unbelievable, and to do
                  Adams ended up harvested mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk,  it in one year is even a greater accomplishment.”
                pronghorn and black bear, all with a bow. It is believed that he is the   Commissioner John P. Zelbst of Lawton suggested that the
                first hunter to complete such a quest, which will make him the first  Department look into creating a way to recognize anyone who
                Oklahoma Slam and Oklahoma Super Slam hunter to earn recogni-  has completed a big game slam in Oklahoma. Beginning early in
                tion in the Cy Curtis Awards Program, the official record book of the  2021, the Cy Curtis Awards Program will welcome applicants for
                                                                               the Oklahoma Slam honor and the Oklahoma
                ProviDeD                                                       Super Slam honor.
                                                                                 Later, Adams said he was “humbled to have
                                                                               had the success, and even moreso for the sup-
                                                                               port from ODWC.”
                                                                                 After learning about the Oklahoma Slam
                                                                               awards that he inspired (while deer hunting in
                                                                               Missouri), Adams said, “I truly appreciate the
                                                                               recognition and am honored to have had the
                                                                               opportunity to chase them in our great state!”
                                                                                 Asked if he was going after another Slam in
                                                                               Missouri, Adams said, “No, not in Missouri. But
                                                                               next year, in Texas, I may have something up
                                                                               my sleeve.”
                                                                                 To watch Adams’ video account of his
                                                                               Oklahoma quest, “Slammed: Oklahoma’s Big
                                                                               5 Game Animals/One Year With a Bow,” go
                                                                               online to or
                                                                                 Adams and his wife, Brianne, have been mar-
                                                                               ried since 2009 and have two daughters, Addi-
                                                                               son Rae and Brooke Kaylynn.
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