Page 38 - 2021 JAN/FEB Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine
P. 38

Bowfishing tournaments provide great opportunities for wildlife agencies to learn more about the sport.

                  Because larger, older females are perhaps all selectively  and beyond would be an ideal opportunity for bowfish-
                removed by bowfishing, ODWC, as a management goal, would  ers seeking nearly unlimited targets. The startled jump-
                not support shortening the life of these bowfished species.  ing behavior of silver carps adds an element of challenge
                                                                  and excitement for bowfishers.
                Invasives Equal Opportunities                     species (the females), it would be especially beneficial to
                                                                    If bowfishers selectively target the largest fish of these

                                                                  the native, nongame species competing with them for
                  These findings about native, nongame fishes indicate  space and resources. And ultimately, removing non-na-
                that managers here and nationwide need more informa- tives would also benefit game fishes.
                tion on population numbers and management practices.   Fortunately,  silver  carps and  bighead  carps  have  not
                Unfortunately, with few exceptions including paddlefish  successfully  invaded  most  of  Oklahoma  at  this  time.
                and alligator gar, the native nongame species have no  Bowfishing opportunities for these species are found in
                harvest restrictions in Oklahoma. Too little is known of  several of the lower Red River tributaries in southeastern
                their abundance, status, ecology, or biology.     Oklahoma. And clearly, native game and nongame species
                  Bowfishing for these native, nongame fishes requires  would clearly benefit if the non-natives do not spread.
                responsibly managed fisheries. Some native species and   ODWC  is  also  seeking  a  better  understanding  of  the
                local populations will be candidates for sustainable bow-  state’s bowfishers. Although our statewide surveys indicate
                fishing under regulations, and others will not. The native  that bowfishers make up only a small fraction of Oklahoma
                species  are  not  good  candidates  for  high  or  unlimited  fishing license buyers (perhaps 5 percent to 8 percent), it is
                bag limits. And for those species, bowfishing regulations  likely that they are under-represented in our angler surveys.
                may need to be developed similar to those for more val- Targeted bowfisher surveys will likely be required to better
                ued bowhunted species on land.                    describe the demographics, abundance, habits, needs, and
                  For non-native invasive species, opportunities for abun-  impacts of bowfishers. ODWC intends to work with bow-
                dant bowfishing are much more favorable. These species  fishing tournaments as a cost-effective way to learn more
                offer plentiful targets with few if any bag limits, which  about Oklahoma’s bowfishing and bowfishers.
                popular media indicates is a scenario desired by many
                assist in fisheries conservation by helping reduce non-na- A Need for Management
                bowfishers. Many opportunities exist for bowfishers to

                tive invasives and their competition with native species.
                  The common carp and grass carp serve as ideal tar-  Bowfishing in Oklahoma and across the country is chang-
                gets for abundant bowfishing. On a larger scale, and with  ing. The sport is expanding and evolving rapidly. Sustainable
                potentially greater ecological benefit, the selective taking  management of bowfisheries has lagged, and the need for
                of silver carps and bighead carps from Oklahoma waters  management to catch up to the fisheries is clear.
                                                                                                 OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA
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