Page 39 - 2021 JAN/FEB Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine
P. 39

Jim mUllHaUPt/FliCkr CC-ByNCND2.0

                  In our review paper’s survey of all 50 state fish and wildlife  the native species for sustainability, and encouraging bow-
                agencies, we found that bowfishing is legal in all 50 states,  fishers to harvest invasive species, ODWC can better meet
                but that no states reported having any articulated bowfish- the challenge to provide ample bowfishing opportunities
                ing management plans, goals, or philosophies. State man-  while managing bowfisheries as it does all fisheries — as
                agers noted concerns with bowfishing related primarily to  instruments of species conservation, of public benefit, and
                inadequacies in data on bowfishers, on bowfishing harvest,  of sound, long-term public policy.
                and on the species harvested.
                  Less than 20 percent of states reported
                  Less than 20 percent of states reported
                having  bowfishing  education  programs.
                having  bowfishing  education  programs.
                Fortunately, Oklahoma is a leader in bow-
                Fortunately, Oklahoma is a leader in bow-
                fishing  education,  with  ODWC’s  vibrant
                fishing  education,  with  ODWC’s  vibrant
                Archery in the Schools program, which
                Archery in the Schools program, which
                includes a bowfishing curriculum. ODWC                                                                 JoSH HamPtoN/reaDerS' PHoto SHoWCaSe 2015
                includes a bowfishing curriculum. ODWC
                has also taken an active role in research rel-
                has also taken an active role in research rel-
                evant to native, nongame species biology,
                evant to native, nongame species biology,
                ecology, and bowfishing management.
                  The  challenge  for  ODWC,  under  the
                Public Trust Doctrine, is to fulfill its mission
                to protect and enhance our state’s natural
                resources for present and future genera-
                tions. Under the North American Model of
                Fish and Wildlife Conservation (see here),
                fish and wildlife are a public resource to
                be managed responsibly and should not
                be killed for frivolous reasons or wasted
                (for example, shot and discarded).
                  ODWC also has a mission to provide enjoy-
                able recreational angling opportunities for
                our fishing license buyers. Managed fish-
                eries that are good for bowfishers and not
                detrimental to the native fishes often tar-
                geted by the sport are good for Oklahoma.
                  By working with bowfishers, monitoring
                JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021                  Bowfishing regulation and management across the nation is uncommon.  37
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