Page 45 - 2021 JAN/FEB Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine
P. 45

warrants on their end. Using special agents in New
                Jersey, the destination FedEx hub was observed
                for whoever picked up the specially marked boxes                                                    virGiNia State ParkS
                of live cargo. Every step was documented, and
                photographic evidence taken.
                  Eventually, collected through search warrants,
                the same Oklahoma turtles would be re-seized
                and identified for evidence for the prosecution in
                federal court. The kingpin’s defense team would
                be astonished and perplexed to learn that each,
                individual turtle from Oklahoma had been care-
                fully tagged. There would be no doubt on the size
                and scope of this operation and the inhumane
                damage it was inflicting to Oklahoma’s wildlife.
                  Americans sometimes enjoy exotic or other
                unusual pets originating from foreign lands.
                Similarly, affluent families in China are buying
                three-toed and western box turtles there as
                food and as pets — a sign of prosperity. Five
                dollars paid to a Creek County turtle collector
                would turn into $25 for an Arkansas middle-
                man. Then, $100 was paid to the New Jersey
                businessman, while his overseas buyers could
                receive $500 each.                       An ornate box turtle serves as a high-end “product sample” of the most expensive
                  The final Chinese consumer was paying as  turtles sought after by Asian buyers. Some have reportedly sold in China for as high as
                much as $1,000 to $2,000 for each select ani-  $10,000 each.
                mal fortunate enough to survive the smuggling journey. Some  with ongoing investigations. Also, charges are pending or
                buyers in China have reportedly paid up to $10,000 per turtle. cases being closed on numerous suspects in numerous
                  It is believed that world wildlife smuggling generates $19  states throughout the southeastern United States.
                billion annually, ranking it fourth behind guns, drugs and   In Tulsa, appearing in United States Federal Court, the
                human trafficking.                                ‘kingpin’ in this case, William T. Gangemi, 27, of Freehold,
                  For his smaller role, the Arkansas man was convicted in  N.J., pleaded guilty to violating the federal Lacey Act, which
                Creek County District Court and ordered to pay more than  makes it a felony to move any unlawfully taken or pos-
                $10,000 for state crimes. He continues to assist the feds  sessed wildlife across any state lines. He was ordered to pay
                                                                                             $100,000 in restitution to
             He was ordered to pay $100,000 in restitution to the                            the USFWS for investigative
                                                                                             and  wildlife  damages  and
             USFWS for investigative and wildlife damages and                                $250,000 in restitution to
             $250,000 in restitution to the Oklahoma Department of                           the Oklahoma Department
                                                                                             of  Wildlife  Conservation
             Wildlife Conservation for damages to the state’s wildlife.                      for damages to the state’s
                                                                                             wildlife.  At  sentencing  in
                CarloS GomeZ/oDWC                                 was given three years’ probation (to settle his debt) or face
                                                                                             January  2020,  Gangemi
                                                                  incarceration, something he was desperate to avoid.
                                                                    And finally, it was a happy ending for those most criti-
                                                                  cally important players in this complex victory. After help-
                                                                  ing prevent the possible loss of their kind in Oklahoma,
                                                                  the  “undercover  turtles”  were  processed  through  a
                                                                  licensed  wildlife  rehabilitation  facility  on  the  East  Coast
                                                                  and returned to Oklahoma in good health.

                                                                  Editors Note: Game Warden Carlos Gomez recently retired
                                                                  after 41 years of service, and was assigned to Tulsa County
                                                                  since 1986. For nearly 20 years, he has been the editor of
                Confiscated turtles are temporarily gathered in a fire ring in Game   Oklahoma Game Wardens Magazine and advertising manag-
                Warden Carlos Gomez’s backyard.                   er for International Game Warden magazine.

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