Page 46 - 2021 JAN/FEB Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine
P. 46


                              The Oklahoma Wildlife

                          Conservation Foundation

                   The Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Foundation (OWCF) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization created to
                 support the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation and its activities in managing the state’s fish and
                                                    wildlife resources and habitat.

                 The Wildlife Department receives no general state tax appropriations; ODWC operates primarily with license sales
                 and federal matching grants. The Foundation is Oklahomans dedicated to conserving, preserving and promoting
                               our wildlife, wild spaces and outdoor heritage for current and future generations.

                                          All donations are tax-deductible. For more information,
                              go to or

                                                                 DaNiel GriFFitH/oDWC                               DoN P. BroWN/oDWC

                This girl is having a great time fishing at the first Fostering Outdoor   ODWC Fisheries Biologist Keith Thomas helps a boy in foster
                Oklahoma Families event.                          care take a sunfish off the hook at the first Fostering Outdoor
                                                                  Oklahoma Families event in September.
                                                       OWCF Update

                          Exciting things are happening with the Foundation. Several projects were kick-started in 2020,
                                with more planned for this year! Here’s a sample of what has been accomplished:

                •  Assisted with the purchase of a new   of fishing to kick off a new partnership  •  The  Foundation  sponsored  another
                  fishing dock at South Lakes Park in   program involving the Oklahoma   foster families and children event at the
                  Oklahoma City.                   Department of Human Services,     ranch of OWCF Board member Blake
                •  Last summer, the OWCF partnered with   the OWCF and ODWC. The Fostering   Shelton's ranch. Rods, reels and tackle
                  Elk Valley Brewing Co., with a portion of   Outdoor Oklahoma Families (FOOF)   were purchased and given to the kids
                  each Tenkiller Pilsner 12-pack sold going   partnership will expand across the   as well as all of the supplies for a shore
                  directly to the Foundation.      state. The Foundation provided rods,   lunch fish fry.
                                                   reels and tackle boxes to the kids and   •  The Foundation is procuring outdoors-
                •  The Foundation raffled an Argentinian   offered free annual fishing licenses to
                  dove  hunt selling  more than  1,800   attending  foster  parents  so  they  can   related trips for ODWC to raffle off in
                  tickets and raising $33,000.     continue to enjoy catching fish with the   the future. Several trips already are set,
                                                                                     but OWCF is looking for more.
                •  About 25 children in foster care and   children in the future. Another FOOF
                  their families got together for a fun day   event was held at Perry CCC Lake.

                                                                    Foundation Donates for Youth Hunts
                                                     To help the Wildlife Department set up a new youth doe hunting opportunity
                                                      in partnership with farmers in Beckham County, the Foundation donated
               blinds, chairs and other equipment to make sure the youths participating in
                                                        the new controlled hunts had what they needed for a successful hunt.

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