Page 50 - 2021 JAN/FEB Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine
P. 50

By Justin Veach, Education Intern

                          O K L A H O M A’ S
                  Watchable Wildlife

                                               THE FOX SQUIRREL
                                            BY J USTI N V EACH, EDUCATION I N TERN

                  The Eastern fox squirrel (Sciurus niger) is the largest of  for themselves after 16 weeks. Females can start to mate
                the tree squirrels, with a body length of 17 to 27 inches and  after a year.
                a tail length of 7 to 13 inches. These rodents weigh from 1   The maximum life expectancy for Eastern fox squirrels
                to 3 pounds. Their native range is throughout the United  is 12 years, but the mortality rate before adulthood is high
                States and Canada.                                 in the wild.
                  The fox squirrel gets its name from its yellowish-red   Fox squirrels have very flexible ankle joints, allow-
                coloration that closely resembles that of a fox. The animal’s  ing them to rotate their feet 180 degrees to help them
                hair is burnt orange or grizzled brown on the extremi-  climb down trees. They also are very skilled at jumping.
                ties and gray on the back.                                                  They can jump 15 feet in
                                             An interesting fact is that
                Fox squirrels prefer habitat                                                horizontal leaps and have
                with open forests and lit-                                                  been observed free falling
                                                fox squirrels have four
                tle understory vegetation.                                                  as much as 20 feet to land
                                             long front teeth that never
                During summer, they are                                                     on a limb.
                more likely to live in leaf                                                    An interesting fact is
                                              stop growing. So, to keep
                dens, which are just a plat-                                                that fox squirrels have four
                                            these teeth filed down, they
                form of sticks high up in                                                   long front teeth that never
                trees. During winter, they                                                  stop growing. So, to keep
                                              have to continuously find
                will live in hollowed-out                                                   these teeth filed down, they
                                                something to gnaw on.
                tree dens. They build dens                                                  have to continuously find
                about 30 feet aboveground                                                   something to gnaw on.
                in deciduous trees. These animals prefer to live alone, but   Fox squirrels and Eastern gray squirrels are important
                cohabitation is not uncommon in their nests, which are used  small game animals in Oklahoma. Gray squirrels are found
                mainly as shelters and places to raise offspring.   in the eastern parts of Oklahoma, while fox squirrels can
                  Eastern fox squirrels communicate with scents and vocal-  be found throughout the state except for the far western
                izations. They use a wide variety of barks as well as chattering  Panhandle.
                and will sound a warning signal when danger approaches.   Traditionally, many youngsters are introduced to hunt-
                Eastern fox squirrels are omnivores; their diet includes  ing with trips into the woods in pursuit of squirrels. Hunt-
                acorns, hickory nuts, insects, berries, seeds and bark.   ing season runs annually from May 15 to Jan. 31. The
                  Fox squirrels mate in December or early January and  current daily limit is 25 fox or gray squirrels combined.
                again in June, producing two litters a year. Gestation lasts   Not only do squirrels provide great hunting opportu-
                about 45 days with an average litter size of three. The pups  nities, but they also make fine table fare. Fried squirrel
                are born blind and without fur. They won’t open their eyes  with gravy, squirrel stew, and squirrel and dumplings are
                until around four weeks old. The young are able to care  time-honored favorites.

                48                                                                                   WATCHABLE WILDLIFE

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