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OKLAHOMA BLACK BEARS                               OUTDOOR CALENDAR

                                                             GOOUTDOORSOKLAHOMA .COM/EVENT/EVENTS .ASPX
                                                             NOTICE: Events were scheduled at press time; they are subject to change.
            Black bears are estab-
          lished in eastern and                              MARCH 2024
          southeastern Oklaho-                             LYNN BYSTROM/BEARWISE  2  Oklahoma City Free Fishing Day, no city permit required.
          ma, and in the western                             3    “Outdoor Oklahoma” TV, 8 a.m., OETA.
          Oklahoma Panhandle.
          But they can be encoun-                            4    Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission meeting, 9 a.m.,
                                                                   Oklahoma City. Livestream:
          tered nearly anywhere
          from Interstate 35 east-                           6    Rack Madness free scoring event, ODWC, 1801 N. Lincoln, 1-7 p.m.
          ward in Oklahoma.                                        aspx?id=107665.
            T hro ug h  w inter,                             10   “Outdoor Oklahoma” TV, 8 a.m., OETA.
          bears hibernate in
          dens or other places                               14   International Fly-Fishing Film Festival, 6:30 p.m., Tulsa. Register: license.
          that offer them safe-  Black bear cubs become much more active   17  “Outdoor Oklahoma” TV, 8 a.m., OETA.
          ty while they “doze.”   during April as they venture farther from
                              their dens.
          Come springtime,  the                              22–24 Bassmaster Classic, Grand Lake and BOK Center-Tulsa,
          bears begin to wake up and head out.               24   “Outdoor Oklahoma” TV, 8 a.m., OETA.
            Bears that have denned up near homes or highways may star-
          tle the human neighbors when they leave dens. More than one   26  “Learn to Hunt-Turkey Habitat and Characteristics” free webinar.
          bear has been rudely awakened by a homeowner discovering   ViewEvent.aspx.
          it denned up under the porch.                      31   “Outdoor Oklahoma” TV, 8 a.m., OETA.
            Sows with cubs born earlier in the year are the last bears to
          emerge from their dens. By 8 to 10 weeks old, healthy black   • Ducks Unlimited events (date) set in Tulsa (2); Wagoner (9); Claremore (13);
                                                              Poteau (14); Stillwater (25). Info:
          bear cubs have grown from the size of a stick of butter at birth   • National Wild Turkey Federation events (date) set in Pryor (1); Seminole (9);
          to 4 to 8 pounds. The baby-fine hair they were born with is   Muskogee (14); Idabel (15); Wagoner (16); Weatherford (23); Chouteau, 23);
                                                              Glenpool (30); Westville (30). Info:
          turning into a protective fur coat.                • Quail Forever event set in Blackwell, (2). Info: www.oklahomaquailforever.
            Black bear cubs still spend a lot of time nursing on the sow’s   org/pfqfeventsinok.
          high-fat, extra-nutritious milk. Nursing cubs often sound as if   APRIL 2024
          they are purring.
            In April, cubs become much more active. Cubs born in   1  Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission meeting, 9 a.m.,
          ground  dens  may  hang  around  the  entrance  watching  the   Oklahoma City. Livestream:
          world and playing with each other. Sows continue to keep the   2  “Learn to Hunt-How to Hunt Turkeys” free webinar. Register: https://
          youngsters and the den clean.
            By the end of April, most bears have left their dens for good.   3  “Learn to Hunt-Controlled Hunts” free webinar. Register: https://license.
          The days lengthen, the weather warms, and spring arrives,   6  Oklahoma City Free Fishing Day, no city permit required.
          bringing with it nutritious spring grasses and budding plants.   Hunter Education Class, Elk City. Register: https://license.
          Bears start feeding on early spring greenery as well as any
          insects they can find, including ants, bees and termites. Ant   7  “Outdoor Oklahoma” TV, 8 a.m., OETA.
          colonies  give  off  formic  acid  and have  a  distinct  odor  (to a
          bear). So does insulation made with formaldehyde. That often   9  “Learn to Hunt-Regulations, Places to Go, Ethics, Private Land” free
                                                                   webinar. Register:
          includes hot tub covers, bicycle seats and many insulated mate-  ViewEvent.aspx.
          rials made of vinyl. A bear poking around your hot tub may think   14  “Outdoor Oklahoma” TV, 8 a.m., OETA.
          it’s discovered a giant ant hill.
            Hibernating bears can lose 20% to 50% of their body weight   17  Oklahoma Scholastic Shooting Sports Program State Shoot, El Reno.
          over winter; bears are still living off their fat reserves in spring.   21  “Outdoor Oklahoma” TV, 8 a.m., OETA.
          So, after a few days of drinking water, eating some roughage   28  “Outdoor Oklahoma” TV, 8 a.m., OETA.
          and stretching their legs, bears begin searching for more food.
            Bears have great memories, so bears that learned to rely on   • Ducks Unlimited events (date) set in Bartlesville (2); Claremore (3);
          high-calorie, human-provided food sources last year make a   Mustang (5); Broken Arrow (5); McAlester (12); Tulsa (23); Enid (27). Info:
          beeline for the bounty. Early spring is the time to take down   • National Wild Turkey Federation events (date) set in El Reno (5); Woodward
          bird feeders, secure the garbage, and make sure pet food is   (19). Info:
          safely stashed inside.                                        ** FOR HUNTING SEASON DATES, GO TO
                                               — **

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