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P. 12



                                This past fall, Wildlife Department personnel
                              installed new signage at Cherokee Public Hunting
                              Area. One sign was placed at the shooting range, and
                              others at the main entrances to the PHA just outside
                              of Tahlequah.
                                Unfortunately, on New Year’s Eve, somebody decid-
                              ed to run over a couple of the new signs over with a
                              vehicle. The signs were destroyed.
                                                    Game Wardens based
                                                   in Cherokee County are
                                                   asking for the public’s
                                                   help in identifying the
                                                   suspect(s). Information
                                                   leading to an arrest can
                                                   result in a cash reward.   a state waterfowl stamp, hunting without a license, and
                                                   And citizens sharing infor-  shooting before legal shooting hours.
                                                   mation can remain anon-  Hunting regulations for migratory birds are imple-
                                                   ymous. Contact Game   mented for several important reasons, primarily focused
                                                   Wardens  Cody Young-  on the conservation and sustainable management of bird
                                                   blood at (918) 431-2552 or   populations. Waterfowl undertake extensive journeys
                                                   Matt Farris at (918) 431-  between breeding grounds and wintering areas, often
                                                   2562 with any information.  spanning multiple countries. Harvest regulations for
                                                                       ducks and geese are critical components in responsible
                                                                       wildlife management, aiming to balance the interests of
                                                                       responsible hunters, the health of ecosystems, and the
                                                                       conservation of these remarkable species.

                                                                         While performing routine compliance checks, Lt.
                                                                       Chad Strang, based in Cleveland County, and Game
                                                                       Warden Mark Murray, based in Oklahoma/Canadian
                                                                       Counties, checked a group of waterfowl hunters at a
                                                                       pond in Canadian County. The Game Wardens observed
                                                                       a large amount of corn scattered on the muddy bank of
                                                                       the pond.
                                                                         When questioned about the corn, the hunters (two
                                                                       guides from a local outfitter along with their clients)
                                                                       confirmed seeing the corn when they arrived for their
                                                                       hunt that morning.
                                                                         The guides and their hunters were cited for unlawfully
                                                                       hunting migratory waterfowl over bait.
                                                                         Charges are pending in Canadian County District
                                                                         “Baiting” is the direct or indirect placing, exposing,
                                                                       depositing, distributing, or scattering of salt, grain, or
                                Game Wardens  Travis Garrett and  Brandon Ful-  other feed that could lure or attract waterfowl to the
                              ton, based in Rogers County, investigated a report of   area where hunters are attempting to harvest waterfowl.
                              waterfowl hunters shooting firearms before the legally   Both Oklahoma state law and federal law prohibits the
                              specified time in Rogers County. The investigation led   hunting of waterfowl on or over any baited area where it
                              to multiple people being cited for hunting migratory   is known, or reasonably should be known, that the area is
                              birds over a baited area, hunting migratory birds without   or has been baited with salt, grain or other feed.

          10                                                                                      OFF THE BEATEN PATH
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