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P. 13

assisted with a recent event held by the Cherokee
                                                   Strip  Quail Forever/Pheasants Forever on the Big
                                                   Fork Ranch, a commer-
                                                   cial hunt area.
                                                    The pheasant hunt-
                                                   ing event, designed for
                                                   women who have had little
                                                   opportunity or experience
                                                   in upland hunting, drew 22
                                                   women from Oklahoma
                                                   and Texas. The Game War-
            A baited area remains off limits to hunting for 10 days   dens helped with firearms
          after all salt, grain, or other feed has been completely   safety instruction, shotgun
          removed. This rule recognizes that waterfowl will still be   shooting, and the hunt.
          attracted to the same area even after the bait is gone.  As we dive into 2024,
            Hunters are responsible for ensuring that an area has   consider trying some-
          not been baited and should verify its legality prior to   thing new in the out-
          hunting. It is also strongly suggested that hunters fully vet   doors. Or better yet, take
          any guide operation before booking a hunt.  a new hunter/angler with
                                                   you on your next excur-
                                                   sion.  The  future of  fish
            Game Wardens Shane Fields and Matt Penwright,   and wildlife conservation
          based in Pittsburg County, received information that   depends on it!
          someone shot two tom turkeys on a job site located in
          the vicinity of Carlton Landing near Lake Eufaula. After   (Reports from the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife
          arriving at the location, Fields and Penwright investigat-  Conservation-Game Wardens Facebook page.)
          ed the site. Evidence of blood and feathers led the two
          wardens to a large storage container.     EDITOR’S NOTE: Please help make a difference!
            Fields had received information that the carcasses   When violators break the law, they steal fish and
          were being stored inside the shipping container. After   wildlife from you! Report violations anonymously by
          interviewing the foreman on the job site, he admitted to   calling Operation Game Thief at (800) 522-8039. You
          shooting the two birds with a .22-caliber firearm.    could earn a cash reward.
            The suspect was issued seven citations totaling $6,708
          in fines and restitution. The charges were pending with
          the district attorney’s office.
                                                     IT’S THE LAW:
                                                     ODWC ARCHERY RANGE RULES
            Game Wardens Lt. Stephen Paul, based in Noble   Below are some of the archery range rules for Wildlife Department
          County, and Marshall Reigh, based in Grant County,
                                                     areas that include an archery range. For a full list of archery rules, consult
                                                     the current Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations in print or online at
                                                       •  Target shooting isn’t allowed in areas where shooting ranges
                                                         aren’t provided.
                                                       •  Any person younger than 16 using the shooting range must be
                                                         immediately supervised by an adult age 18 or older.
                                                       •  Archers using an elevated platform must wear a safety harness
                                                         meeting the standards of the Treestand Manufacturers Association
                                                         and be attached to the platform at all times.
                                                       •  Archers must draw and release arrows only from the tower or directly
                                                         below the tower.
                                                       •  Shooters and accompanying adults must possess a valid Oklahoma
                                                         hunting license or Oklahoma combination hunting/fishing license,
                                                         unless exempt.

                                                       •  Firearms aren’t allowed on the archery range.

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