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                                Since the 1970s, the Wildlife Department has been   Wildlife Department lakes get tremendous fishing
                              setting length limits for various species of fish that   pressure. One study concluded that every acre of Lake
                              anglers can harvest. Any fish caught that doesn’t satisfy   Watonga had more than 800 hours of fishing per year.
                              the length regulations must be returned to the water.  For comparison, popular Lake Texoma was fished only
                                Solid scientific reasons support each regulation set.   about 16 hours per acre per year, and Eufaula about six
                              The main philosophy behind such decisions is to give   hours per acre per year.
                              Oklahoma sportsmen and sportswomen the best in   A popular myth that length limits are necessary to
                              outdoor recreation, while ensuring a plentiful wildlife   protect spawning bass doesn’t hold water. A female
                              resource for future citizens.            bass can produce up to 10,000 eggs for each pound of
                                Small lakes and rivers have been studied extensively   her body weight. Therefore, only a few fish could pro-
                              for good management methods. In streams, bass are   duce enough young bass to fill all the habitat available
                              highly vulnerable to fishermen. Length limits in streams   to that age class. That’s an abstract concept, but put
                              have significantly increased both the sport fishery and,   more simply, a lake can support only so many young
                              after a few years, the total fish harvest.  bass. For instance, if it can support 1,000 young bass, it
                                Length limits, when applied in the right situation,   doesn’t matter how many eggs are hatched. The excess
                              are a very positive management tool. But, before we   will die from disease, predation, starvation or any of a
                              can understand the biological need for length limits,   hundred other causes. A lake must be in balance to pro-
                              it’s important to recognize the problem. Simply, it boils   duce quality fishing.
                              down to either overharvest or underharvest, as com-  Under ideal conditions, bass grow at a fairly rapid
                              pared with the water body’s ability to provide forage.  rate. In its first year, a bass may reach 4 to 6 inches.
                                More than a half-million anglers use Oklahoma   By the next year, it could be 10 inches, and after just
                              waters each year for fishing. Improvement in fishing   three years it reach 12.5 inches. The growth rate of
                              tackle and the unending refinement of techniques   bass in any location really depends on the availability
                              have made today’s fisherman a much more efficient   of forage. When the numbers of forage fish of the
                              predator. That, combined with the vast numbers of   right size are in balance with the bass, growth and
                              fishermen of all kinds, has led to a decline in the quali-  fishing is excellent.
                                                                         If  by  chance  bass  are  underharvested,  popula-
                              ty of fishing on many smaller lakes and streams.  tion structures can go out of balance the other
          WILDLIFEDEPARTMENT.COM                                        way. Competition for forage fish becomes intense

                                                                        among bass, and their growth rate slows dramati-
                                                                        cally. This phenomenon is called “stockpiling” and
                                                                        is a real danger when length limits are implemented.
                                                                        Lakes must be constantly monitored by biologists
                                                                        to assure that the regulations are accomplishing the
                                                                        objective of quality fishing. If stockpiling of smaller
                                                                        fish occurs, regulations need to be adjusted to allow
                                                                        for greater harvest.
                                                                          This is what ODWC did in 2022, when it changed
                                                                        the length limits for largemouth and smallmouth bass
                                                                        in lakes and rivers. Now, the statewide harvest limit for
                                                                        those species is six fish per day, and only one of those
                                                                        can be longer than 16 inches. Bass in the 12- to 15-inch
                                                                        class that wind up on the stringer are good keepers
                              When measuring a bass, squeeze the tailfin together for
                              an accurate reading.                      and well worth the effort to clean and eat.

                                                                       A bump-nosed fishing ruler has a built-in stop for the fish’s
                                                                       nose, and often can be stuck onto a boat surface for handy
                                                                       use while angling.

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