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This new limit doesn’t apply to spotted bass, which   More restrictive creel limits have been tried
          is another member of the black bass family. And   experimentally in some states, but they have
          always check for special area regulations for the spe-  failed due to the tremendous fishing pressure. All
          cific water body being fished, because the bass daily   they have accomplished was to spread the harvest
          limits and legal sizes for harvest might be different.  around to more fishermen without solving the over-
            Measuring fish presents no great difficulty.   harvest problem.
          Measure a bass from the tip of its lower jaw to the   Refuge areas on lakes also have been tried. This
          tip of its tail. Everything counts.      method closes entire sections of a lake to bass
            When you catch a borderline bass on a lake or river   fishing. The idea is that the refuge will produce
          and you need to measure it, wet your hands to avoid   enough large bass to keep the rest of the lake in
          disturbing the fish’s protective slime layer and care-  balance. However, when nearly half of a lake was
          fully unhook it. Place the bass flat along a ruler or   set up as a refuge, bass still moved out too fast to
          tape measure. If the tip of the jaw is on the beginning   prevent overharvest.
          of the measuring device and the tail is short of 16   Fishing for “sport only” has also been tried. This
          inches when the tailfins are squeezed closed, then   definitely prevented overharvest because no bass
          the fish can be harvested. If the tip of the tail is lon-  could legally be kept. While this sounded ideal to
          ger than 16 inches, you may keep that fish – but only   some anglers, it also was a failure because bass
          one bass longer than 16 inches may be kept per day.  became too crowded and consumed most of the
            To say length limits are the only way to control   forage. The result was stunted bass.
          harvest in small lakes and streams is not completely   When all possible methods of controlling bass
          accurate. There are other methods, but they aren’t   overharvest are considered, the length limit still
          the best in terms of angler opportunity.  comes out on top. Its success depends upon fisher-
            The quota method has been tried in some   man cooperation.
          states. This allows 40 percent of the bass in a lake   What’s at stake with the length limits? Anglers are
          to be harvested each year. Censuses are taken of   losing the chance to catch a bunch of bass of all sizes
          the bass population, and then creels are checked   and keep one of the bigger ones. It’s Oklahoma’s
          until the harvest reaches 40 percent. Then, the lake   way to improve fishing, and improved fishing is what
          is closed for the rest of the year.      fisheries management is all about.


            Early in the 1900s, anglers noticed the quality of   sport fish management,                       TOM EVANS/READERS' PHOTO SHOWCASE 2023
          fishing was deteriorating due to unregulated har-  boating access develop-
          vest, industrial pollution and other causes. Anglers   ment, and aquatic educa-
          organized and joined with the fishing tackle industry   tion programs.
          to develop a program to improve sport fishing.  In 2023, Oklahoma
            Both anglers and industry were willing to help pay   received a total of $8.7
          for these improvements and pushed for a special   million in Sport Fish
          tax to be placed on fishing equipment. These funds   Restoration Funding.
          were used specifically for enhancing sport fishing,   Each  state  receives
          and this program became known as the Sport Fish   its share of the total   Fishing and boating docks are projects undertaken by
          Restoration Program, which was created by the   funds collected based   the Wildlife Department, supported by federal Sport Fish
                                                                       Restoration Program funding along with Department funds.
          Dingell-Johnson Act in 1950.             on a formula that fac-
            In  the  1980s,  boaters  eagerly  joined  the  ranks   tors in the number of licensed anglers (60 percent of
          of the Sport Fish Restoration program by having   the formula) and the size or area of the state (40 per-
          their federal fuel tax added to the program with the   cent). Sport Fish Restoration funds are used by all
          assurance that the money would be used to improve   state wildlife agencies to improve fishing and boat-
          and increase boating access facilities.  ing access, but these funds are especially helpful in
            The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation   states like Oklahoma where the main funding source
          has received millions of dollars annually since 1991   is hunting and fishing license fees, not general state
          through the Sport Fish Restoration Program from these   tax appropriations. ODWC does not receive state
          federal excise taxes. These funds are earmarked for   tax appropriations.

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