Page 22 - 2024MarApr
P. 22

Studying fish movements and behavior in ponds
          WILDLIFEDEPARTMENT.COM                                       can teach an angler about movement and behavior
                                                                       in larger bodies of water. The same environmental
                                                                       factors apply in both places, but the changes usually
                                                                       occur more slowly in larger impoundments.
                                                                         Pond fishing though, isn't just a training ground
                                                                       for bigger things. It can stand on its own merits as a
                                                                       productive, enjoyable kind of fishing.
                                                                         For the boatless angler, farm ponds present the
                                                                       best chance of catching a lunker largemouth bass.
                                                                       Many bass weighing 5 pounds or more are caught
                                                                       from ponds by  anglers walking the shores. Each
                                                                       pond is unique, however. One may produce three or
                                                                       four 5-pounders. Another may give up only a single
                                                                       fish, perhaps a big-bellied 1-pounder. The next may
                                                                       not offer up any lunkers but may provide dozens of
                                                                       strikes on as many casts. Still another might be a
                                                                       mediocre bass pond, but instead yield dozens of
                                                                       whopper bluegills or redear sunfish, or a basket full
                                                                       of chunky channel cats.
                                                                         A pond's virtues may loom larger to one fisherman
                                                                       than another. A black bass devotee may consider a
                                                                       clay-red western Oklahoma pond worthless. But to
                                                                       a 10-year old with a can of garden-dug worms or a
                                                                       scrap of beef liver for bait, that same pond might be
          A quiet farm pond is   KICK OFF FISHING SEASON AT
          a great place to begin                                       a treasure trove of hungry bullheads that can turn a
          fishing in the early spring.  FARM POND                      boring afternoon into a cherished memory of youth.
                                Oklahoma fishermen are blessed with a seeming-  Many rural landowners will share their ponds with
                              ly limitless fishery resource called farm ponds.  friends and guests. Some ranchers and farmers who
                                Springtime is prime time to take advantage of the   guard their precious coveys of quail or who very
                              opportunities provided by these waters, for farm   grudgingly parcel out permission for deer or turkey
                              pond fishing action usually warms up a few weeks   hunting might willingly allow strangers who ask per-
                              ahead of that in the state's major reservoirs.  mission to fish in their ponds.
                                A few days of springtime sun is all it takes to push   A myth has circulated for years that says land-
                              the surface temperature in a small pond up into the   owners who get any kind of government financial
                              high 60s or low 70s, even though the surface tem-  assistance in building ponds must allow the public
                              perature in nearby major lakes may still be in the   to fish those ponds. That isn't true. There's anoth-
                              low 50s. When the shallows of ponds warm up, bass,   er myth that says any pond owner who accepts fish
                              sunfish and crappie all move up to feed.  from the Wildlife Department for stocking a pond
                                A small spinnerbait or jig-and-grub fished on   must open the pond to the public. That isn't true
                              shallow flats or upwind shores can often pay off   either.  Owners  of  ponds  on  private  property  are
                              handsomely at this time of year. Wind direction   not required to grant access to the general public
                              and sunshine play an important part in pond fish   in either case.
                              behavior in early spring. In periods of sunny weath-  Resource  management agencies  do encourage
                              er, winds push sun-warmed surface waters to the   pond owners to allow fishing, but allowance might
                              downwind side of the pond, and that is a good   be only for friends or family, not the public at large.
                              place to search for active fish. There may be a differ-  The  important thing: Always  ask  permission  and
                              ence of 10 or 12 degrees in the water from one side   abide by the landowner's wishes. Being courteous
                              of a pond to the other.                  and cooperative can go a long way toward getting
                                By the same token, if air temperatures drop for a   invited to fish again.
                              day or two, the wind can push chilled water across   Farm ponds are an excellent place to kick off
                              the pond to the downwind shore, and the fish could   the new fishing season, and there's no time like the
                              go back to deeper water or to the lee shore.  present to give one a try.

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