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          Fishing in Oklahoma   DO YOUR PART; GET PROPER                 So what do I need to go fishing in Oklahoma?
          offers some spectacular
          sights. Take a day and   LICENSES TO SUPPORT
          enjoy the outdoors.                                          LICENSE REQUIREMENTS
                              OUTDOOR RECREATION,
                              WILDLIFE CONSERVATION                        •  An Oklahoma resident or nonresident fishing
                                                                            license is required of all persons who take,
                                The first step before going fishing is to make sure   attempt to take, or possess fish or other
                              you have the correct legally required fishing license.   aquatic dwelling organisms by any method
                              You can buy an Oklahoma fishing license online   in Oklahoma. Persons fishing the Red River
                              at, via the Go Outdoors   must have a valid Oklahoma fishing license
                              Oklahoma mobile app for Apple or Android devic-  unless exempt.
                              es, or through an approved license vendor such as a   •  In addition, people fishing on waters locat-
                              tackle shop or sporting goods store.          ed within the Honobia Creek or Three Rivers
                                                    The cost of a one-day
          MARSHALL REIGH/ODWC                      or short-term  fishing   •  People residing in another state who own
                                                                            Wildlife Management Areas must have a
                                                                            valid Land Access Permit, unless exempt.
                                                   license is inexpensive
                                                   (usually  less than $20),
                                                   although fishing licens-  land in Oklahoma but do not live on that
                                                                            land, and are fishing on that land, must pur-
                                                   es generally cost more   chase a nonresident fishing license.
                                                   for nonresidents. Those   •  All required licenses or written evidence of
                                                   younger than 16 can fish   exemption and identification must be car-
                                                   for free in Oklahoma.    ried on your person while fishing.
                                                    If you plan to fish
                                                   more than once or   COMMON FISHING LICENSES
                                                   twice, check into buy-  PURCHASED
                                                   ing an annual license.
                                                   An annual license will   Residents
                                                   cover you for the entire   •  Annual Fishing License - $25 (valid for 365 days)
                                                   year, making it the most   •  2-Day Fishing License - $15 (valid two con-
          Time a trip to a nearby stream and enjoy some fast-paced
          action when the sand bass are running.   cost-effective option.   secutive days of choice)

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