Page 25 - 2024MarApr
P. 25

•  Youth Annual Fishing License - $5 (valid for   Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, North
               ages 16 and 17 for 365 days)             Dakota, Ohio, Texas or Wisconsin.
            Nonresidents                              •  Nonresidents 65 and older who are resi-
              •  Annual Fishing License - $55 (valid for 365 days)  dents of Texas. (Valid ID required.)
              •  6-Day Fishing License - $35 (valid six consec-
               utive days of choice)                Residents and Nonresidents
              •  1-Day Fishing License - $15 (valid one day   •  Any person legally blind or physically
               of choice)                               impaired who is unable to properly use fish-
                                                        ing apparatus and one accompanying com-
          EXEMPT FROM FISHING                           panion while the blind or physically impaired
          LICENSE REQUIREMENT                           person is fishing.
                                                      •  People under 18 who are in legal and phys-
                                                        ical custody of the State of Oklahoma or its
              •  Residents under 16 years old.
                                                        agencies by court order.
              •  Resident owners or tenants, their spouses,
                                                      •  People under 18 who are in the custody of a
               parents, grandparents, children and
               their spouses, grandchildren and
               their spouses who fish in private
               ponds on land owned or leased by                                                               KAYLEE HERRIMAN/PROVIDED
               such owner or tenant.
              •  Resident disabled veterans with 60
               percent or more disability. Call State
               Department of Veterans Affairs,
               (888) 655-2838 to acquire proof of
              •  Any person who fishes with pole and
               line, trotline or throw line in streams,
               natural ponds  and mine  pits  in or
               forming the boundary of the county
               in which he is a bona fide resident,
               when using any bait other than com-
               mercial or artificial bait, blood, stink
               bait, cut fish, and shrimp.
              •  Residents having a proven disabil-
               ity rendering them nonambulatory
               and who must use a wheelchair as
                                                        child care facility as defined by Title 10 O.S.,   Bowfishing is a form of
               certified by a duly qualified physician.                                    angling that is growing
                                                        Section 402.                       in popularity. The activity
              •  The following people are exempt from the
                                                      •  People fishing during Oklahoma’s Free   requires a regular fishing
               purchase of the Land Access Permit required                                 license in Oklahoma.
                                                        Fishing Days.
               only  for  Honobia  Creek  and  Three  Rivers
                                                      •  Any patient of a state institution in Oklahoma
               WMAs: Any Oklahoma resident who on the
                                                        established for the care and treatment of
               first day of the current calendar year was
                                                        mental illness or alcohol or drug dependen-
               younger than 18, or anyone 64 or older. All
                                                        cy or any person developmentally disabled
               nonresidents are required to purchase an $85
                                                        residing in any group home or other insti-
               annual Land Access Permit (no exemptions).
                                                        tution or persons developmentally disabled
                                                        when accompanied by an attendant of such
                                                        institution or legal guardian or when fishing
              •  Nonresidents under 14 years old.
                                                        on institutional property.
              •  Nonresidents under 16 years old who reside
                                                      •  Job Corps trainees of this state, having a
               in  Alabama,  Alaska,  Arizona,  Arkansas,
                                                        proper identification card.
               California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia,
                                                      •  Any person participating in an aquatic edu-
               Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana,
                                                        cation event or clinic sanctioned by the
               Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New
                                                        Wildlife Department.
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