Page 33 - 2024MarApr
P. 33


                                                      GET A FREE SNAKE POSTER!
          Scores of students learn about Oklahoma’s venomous
          snakes from Game Wardens Trey Hale and Ty Runyan.
                                                       Oklahoma’s venomous snakes is the subject of this Wildlife
          recruits during ODWC training academies.    Department poster available for download free from the
          Game Wardens never know what situations     ODWC website. The front side shows
          they might have to face, so the recruits need   photos of the seven species of venom-
          to be training in general snake handling knowl-  ous snakes found in our state, while the
          edge and what to do in the event of snakebite.  back side offers details about each of
            The onset of summer break for the local   the species and also facts about snakes
          schools means the venomous snake program    in Oklahoma. To download a printable
          also wraps up for the spring season. The    poster, click the QR code:
          snakes that Hale and Runyan collected for the
          program are all returned to the same dens
          they came from. Hale believes it’s likely that
          some of the snakes are repeat performers in
          the program because the same dens are used
          for collection every year.
            Hale said he plans to continue the educa-
          tional outreach as long as there are students to
          benefit from it, and because he’s slowly build-
          ing a name for himself.
            “The kids just love it, and sometimes they
          will even recognize me when I’m in the field.
          They say, ‘You’re the snake guy!’ ”
            There’s no way Hale can slither away from
          that moniker.

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