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(see infographics on following pages), they also contribute in a big way at the
          national level.
            In October 2023, the USFWS released the final report from the 2022 National
          Survey. This report found that hunting, fishing, and wildlife watching contributed                  CATHERINE APPLING-POOLER/ODWC
          $394 billion to the U.S. economy, adjusted for inflation.
            Wildlife watchers made up the largest group of outdoor recreationists in 2022,
          with 148 million people participating. Anglers totaled 39 million (15% of the U.S.
          population 16 years and older); hunters totaled 14 million
          (5.5% of the U.S. population 16 years and older); target
          shooters totaled 47 million; and archery was practiced by
          19 million people.
            The national report breaks down results into regions. But
          ODWC paid for access to specific state-level results to have a
          better understanding of the contribution made to the state’s   Scan the QR
          economy by hunters, anglers, and wildlife watchers.    Code to view
                                                             the national
            — Compiled by Kelly Adams, Catherine Appling-Pooler,  survey report.  State Sen. David Bullard and State Rep. J.J.
                                                                              Humphreys listen to wildlife managers at
                               Don P. Brown, and Betsey York.                 Pushmataha Wildlife Management Area.

                                                                            CATHERINE APPLING-POOLER/ODWC     CATHERINE APPLING-POOLER/ODWC

          State Sen. Todd Gollihare gets a close look at an ODWC airboat during a trip to learn about    State Sen. Dwayne Pemberton catches some white
          ODWC-landowner partnerships.                                        bass while learning about fisheries management.
                                                          CATHERINE APPLING-POOLER/ODWC                       CATHERINE APPLING-POOLER/ODWC

          State Rep. John Waldron and his son get to snag a paddlefish while   State Sen. David Bullard and his daughter snagged a paddlefish while
          learning about fisheries management..             learning about ODWC’s management of the unusual species.

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