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          ANNUAL EXPENDITURES                                 HOW WE ARE FUNDED
                                                              The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife
                 $9.8 BILLION                                 Conservation does not receive any state or
                 annual expenditures                          local tax dollars. License sales and federal
                                                              Wildlife and Sportfish Restoration Program
                                                              grant revenues are the main funding sources.
                 $9.5 BILLION
                 retail sales

                 $213 MILLION                                 WILDLIFE WATCHING PARTICIPATION
                 trip-related expenses
                                                              2.9 million people participated in
                                                              wildlife watching activities
                                                              in Oklahoma.

          Over half of the U.S. population 16 years
          old and older enjoyed wildlife watching
          in 2022.                                            WILDLIFE WATCHING IS FOR EVERYONE
          In Oklahoma, more than 773,000 people               61% of urban Oklahomans participated
          enjoy watching birds.                               in wildlife watching while 71% of rural
                                                              Oklahomans participated.

          34                                                                                      OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA
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