Page 42 - 2024MarApr
P. 42

WES EDENS/READERS' PHOTO SHOWCASE 2020  license. Those without an
                                                                                        Oklahoma hunting license
                                                                                        can get a 5-day rattlesnake
                                                                                        permit. Rattlesnake sea-
                                                                                        son is open from March
                                                                                        1-June 30, and there is
                                                                                        no daily limit. Snakes that
                                                                                        can be hunted with no
                                                                                        daily limit are prairie rat-
                                                                                        tlesnakes, timber rattle-
                                                                                        snakes, and massasauga.
                                                                                          The most common
                                                                                        method of snake hunt-
                                                                                        ing is with snake tongs
                                                                                        and a restraining tube
                                                                                        to  put  the  snake  into.
                                                                                        This method can be used
                                                                                        for catch and release
                                                                                        of rattlesnakes at the
                                                                                        many snake  festivals,
                                                                                        snake education clinics,
          Hunting for western   For those who have always been interested   and regulated snake hunts and roundups for
          diamondback rattlesnakes
          is an adventure awaiting   in trapping but had no mentor, the Wildlife   spectators' entertainment.
          visitors at Cimarron Bluff   Department offers seasonal trapping work-  Another way to use the rattlesnake is by har-
          Wildlife Management Area.
                              shops at several WMAs across the state.  vesting for the meat. Rattlesnake meat is con-
                                                                       sidered a premium and healthy exotic meat in
                               NORTHWEST REGION:                       certain areas. Many people consider the flavor
                               RATTLESNAKE HUNTING AT                  to be like that of alligator meat.
                               CIMARRON BLUFF WMA                        It is highly recommended to have the appropri-
                                The northwestern region of Oklahoma has   ate gear for a snake hunting adventure, including
                              the lowest rainfall totals in the state. Cimarron   snake boots, snake chaps, snake tongs, restrain-
                              Bluff WMA covers 3,590 acres in northeastern   ing tube or sack ,and if possible a well-educated
                              Harper County. This WMA is dominated by   snake hunter to demonstrate how to have a safe
                              mixed-grass prairie vegetation with isolated   and fun time in the great outdoors.
                              pockets of sand sagebrush, sand plum, and
                              sumac occurring on red clay and gypsum soils.   CENTRAL REGION: SQUIRREL
                              Cottonwood, hackberry, and western soapber-   HUNTING AT KAW WMA
                              ry trees exist along the creeks flowing through   The central region is situated between the
                              the area. A limited amount of Cimarron River   wetter forests  of eastern Oklahoma and  the
                              floodplain is found along the eastern bound-  drier short-grass prairies of western Oklahoma.
                              ary of the WMA, dominated by salt flats and   Portions of this region are referred to as the
                              interspersed with salt cedar.            cross timbers and contain a mosaic of forests,
                                Cimarron Bluff WMA has a stable population   woodlands, and prairies. This region has a high
                              of western diamondback rattlesnakes and prairie   percentage of the state's population (52%) and
                              rattlesnakes that are legal to hunt. Anyone hunt-  a low percentage of the Department's overall
                              ing rattlesnakes must have an Oklahoma hunting   WMA acreage (11%). The Tulsa metro sits just

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