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          to the east of the central region.       is using two quarters from your pocket. Tap   Kaw Wildlife
                                                                                           Management Area
            These characteristics make it a little harder to   them together to mimic squirrel barking or rub
          discover unknown areas, but focusing on less   the edges together to mimic the teeth-grind-
          popular species can be a way to avoid the crowds.  ing sound. Signs that suggest squirrels could
            Squirrels are plentiful on Kaw, Okmulgee,   be nearby include nests in the treetops and
          Deep  Fork,  Lexington,  and  Cross  Timbers   busted  shells  on  the  ground  beneath  trees.
          WMAs. All of these areas (in no particular order)
          are good places to start. Be sure to check spe-  PUBLIC ACCESS AT WMAs
          cific area regulations as season dates do vary
                                                      •  Most WMAs require visitors (hunting or nonhunting) to pos-
          from WMA to WMA. Hunters interested in pur-
                                                        sess a hunting, fishing, or combination license, or a Wildlife
          suing squirrels should focus on blocks of timber
                                                        Conservation Passport, to legally enter the area. Check the
          that have mast-producing trees; trees that pro-
                                                        “Special Area Regulations” sections of the Oklahoma Fishing
          duce some type of berry or nut. Upon locating
                                                        and Hunting Regulations for WMA-specific rules.
          such trees (oaks, pecans, mulberry, walnut, etc.)
                                                      •  Buying a hunting or fishing license can cost less than buying
          the hunter can sit and observe the forest floor
                                                        a Wildlife Conservation Passport. Plus, license holders are
          or canopy for movement. Typically, squirrels will
                                                        granted the privileges of that license and can enjoy fishing or
          run along the forest floor when searching for or
                                                        hunting during the license term.
          concealing food but will commonly run through
                                                      •  People younger than 16 at the start of the calendar year, and
          the canopy, jumping from tree to tree to move
                                                        students and instructors participating in bona fide education-
          throughout the woods. If one is not observ-
                                                        al tours or activities sponsored or organized by an education
          ing movement, listening for squirrels barking,
                                                        institution, or any other organized event sanctioned by and
          chattering, teeth grinding, or even the rustle of
                                                        approved in advance by the Wildlife Department, are exempt
          the leaves on branches or on the ground from
                                                        from the Wildlife Conservation Passport requirement.
          squirrels moving around can be just as effec-
                                                      •  Anyone carrying a firearm or archery equipment on Department-
          tive. Sitting under a tree looking and listening
                                                        managed lands must possess a hunting license. All persons using
          for 20-30 minutes is more than enough time to
                                                        shooting ranges must possess a valid Oklahoma hunting or
          know if squirrels are in the vicinity.
                                                        combination license, unless otherwise exempt. Anyone younger
            Other ways to locate squirrels includes using
                                                        than 14 must be immediately supervised by an adult while afield.
          calls and looking for sign. Commercial calls are
                                                        Minors aged 14-16 must be immediately supervised by an adult
          available for purchase through several sport-
                                                        unless they possess hunter education certification.
          ing goods or outdoor stores. The simplest call
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