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                              Squirrels build nests in treetops using sticks   rels. And, Kaw WMA is a perfect location for
                              and leaves and they are usually construct-  your next squirrel hunting adventure.
                              ed toward the top of the tree in a fork of the
                              branch. Nests are much more noticeable than   SOUTHWEST REGION: PREDATOR
                              busted shells on the ground. These pieces   HUNTING AT PACKSADDLE WMA
                              fall or are dropped while a squirrel is feeding.   Southwestern Oklahoma is known for its beau-
                              Sometimes they will feed on a log lying on the   tiful landscapes. One of the most visited national
                              ground or on a limb up in a tree.        wildlife refuges in the country, Wichita Mountains
                                In summary, the best way to start squirrel   Wildlife Refuge, draws more than 1 million people
                              hunting is to spend time in the woods looking   every year, a testament to the amazing recreation
                              for mast trees and looking/listening for squir-  opportunities that this area of Oklahoma provides
                                                                       to residents and nonresidents alike.
            CAMPING ON WMAs                                              Ellis WMA, Packsaddle WMA, and Black
                                                                       Kettle WMA are three areas in this region that
              •  Camping is limited to 16 days, and for no more than 21 days in
                                                                       provide a variety of opportunities to hunters.
                any 30-day period, on the same WMA, except in areas open
                                                                       These areas lie in Ellis and Roger Mills coun-
                only to hunter camping for special seasons. Camping on these
                                                                       ties. These WMAs have a mixed grass prai-
                areas is limited to two days longer than the period the camper
                                                                       rie habitat: a mixture of rolling sand hills and
                (hunter) is authorized to hunt.
                                                                       wooded bottoms with the South Canadian
              •  Leaving a campsite unattended for a period longer than 48
                                                                       River as its southern boundary. Vegetation
                hours is prohibited. Unattended camp items will be removed.
                                                                       includes big bluestem, Indiangrass, little blue-
              •  Quiet hours are enforced from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
                                                                       stem, side-oats grama, and buffalo grass,
              •  All dogs or other pets must be kept on a leash or otherwise
                                                                       along with brush species such as shinnery oak,
                confined while in camping areas.
                                                                       sagebrush, and sand plum.

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