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The Talimena Scenic Drive cuts the WMA’s   From hunting, fishing, hiking, riding, or just
          Le Flore Unit in half as it runs along the top of   sightseeing, Ouachita WMA really does have
          the Winding Stair Mountains from U.S. 271 to   something for every outdoor enthusiast.
          the Arkansas line. This drive offers many sce-  — Segments written by Colby Farquhar, Matt
          nic vistas to pull off the roadway and enjoy the   Hensley, Joey McAllister, Weston Storer and
          view. There are many primitive camping sites                   Marcus Thibodeau.
          on the area, and two sites at Cedar Lake and
          Winding Stair Vista that have modern facilities.   BIRD DOGS ON WMAs
          The area also has two shooting ranges, one on
                                                      •  All training of bird dogs on Department-managed lands is
          the south side, off State Highway 63, and one
                                                        closed from June 1-Aug. 31, annually.
          on the north, off U.S. 59.
                                                      •  No person may train or have in possession more than three
            Oklahoma has two species of squirrels that
                                                        bird dogs on any Department-managed lands outside the reg-
          are legal to hunt: the eastern fox squirrel and
                                                        ular harvest season.
          the  eastern  gray  squirrel.  Both  are  common
                                                      •  No person who owns or operates a commercial bird dog train-
          on the WMA, but the gray squirrel is more
                                                        ing business or is an employee in such a business whereby
          abundant. Oklahoma’s squirrel season usual-
                                                        bird dogs are sold and/or trained for a price or a fee may use
          ly runs from May 15 through Feb. 28, with a
                                                        Department-managed lands for such training purposes.
          daily limit of 25 fox and gray squirrels com-
                                                      •  Anyone not in a dog-training business may work up to three
          bined per day.
                                                        personal hunting dogs outside the regular harvest season
            Squirrel hunting is a great way to sharpen
                                                        and may use Department-managed lands to train such dogs,
          marksmanship, stalking skills, and experience
                                                        except as otherwise provided.
          one of the best-tasting wild game delicacies
          out  there.  The  preparation  time,  expense,
          and gear required to bag a few bushytails for                                                       WILDLIFEDEPARTMENT.COM
          the dinner  table  is  often  far less than what
          is required to hunt big game or waterfowl.
          Squirrel season offers a perfect opportunity
          for experienced hunters to introduce a young
          hunter to all aspects of the sport, from gun
          safety to the skillet. There is no better way to
          get a young person hooked on hunting and
          share some deep woods wisdom than by tak-
          ing them to the woods and helping them har-
          vest a few squirrels. The Ouachita WMA has
          plenty of habitat, squirrels, and elbow room
          to provide a chance to invest in our next gen-
          eration of hunters. So don’t let the opportuni-
          ty scurry away.
            Cedar Lake, an 80-acre impoundment, is the
          recreational gem of Ouachita National Forest.
          It is the largest and most-used recreation area
          in the national forest and has produced two
          state-record largemouth bass. Crooked Branch
          Lake, a smaller 15-acre water body, is also man-
          aged by ODWC and stocked with bass, channel
                                                   Running of no more than three personal hunting dogs on WMAs is permitted outside of
          cat, and bluegill.                       regular harvest season.

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