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            EDITOR’S NOTE: The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation and Oklahoma Station Chapter Safari Club International sponsor
          a creative writing competition for middle and high school students. A boy and a girl from two age divisions are selected winners. Students
          write essays using the theme “Hunting: Sharing the Heritage” or “Archery: What I Like About Archery in the Schools and Bowhunting.”
          Winners in the age 15-17 category receive a guided antelope hunt in the Texas Panhandle, and winners in the 11-14 age category receive
          a hunting trip with Rack Attack Outfitters of Fairview (or similar) and a scholarship to the Outdoor Texas Camp. In this issue, Outdoor
          Oklahoma honors junior category male winner Cooper Davidson, 14, from Elgin Public Schools.

                              By Cooper Davidson                       practiced over and over, and shooting is becom-
                                Bowhunting is a skill not all people can easily   ing second nature. With a lot of hard work and
                              master. I think Ron Laclair said it best when he   a little bit of luck (luck being God on my side),
                              said, “Archery is like a journey; it begins with a love   opening day of deer season didn’t leave me disap-
                              for shooting a bow and a passion for watching our   pointed. My dad dropped me off, and I climbed a
                              arrows fly.” I couldn’t agree with him more.  tree. Shockingly, not even 30 minutes later, a doe
                                In 2016, at the age of 7, I was first introduced to   walked out 20 yards from me. I drew back my bow
                              the love of archery. My mom was the teacher/coach   and let my arrow fly. I hit her, that beautiful doe,
                              of the school’s National Archery in the Schools Pro-  perfectly behind the shoulder and watched as she
                              gram (NASP), and my two older brothers were on   ran 40 yards and fell. I was pumped that I had just
                              the team. I was compelled to attend their practices,   shot my very first deer with that bow I had been
                              but after only a couple of practices, I started to join   carrying around like a prized possession.
                              in as I thought it looked fun. I quickly found out how   After that, I set another goal for myself of shooting
                              much fun shooting a bow could be. Unfortunately,   a buck with my bow. I had no luck at first. Then, it
                              I was never able to compete because we changed   was a couple of weeks that my dad and I went out
                              schools, but I still used the archery skills I learned.  hunting just for fun; we didn’t think we were going
                                Just two years ago, I got my first compound   to shoot a buck. Little did we know, our day would
                              bow. I still remember it like it was yesterday. It   look different from what we had expected. It was
                              was Christmas morning, and I thought that I had   4:30 p.m., and we heard some noise behind us that
                              already opened all my presents. Yet, I did not   was getting closer and closer. We looked over to our
                              know that my parents had one more gift for me.   right and saw a nice buck walking about 40 yards
                              They said they had to go grab it, and then I looked   from us. We grunted at him to get his attention. My
                              up and saw it. It was my very own compound bow,   dad and I thought that the buck would come to us,
                              and I was filled with pure joy. The Fred Bear Legit   but he didn’t want to wander our way. So my dad
                              bow was just the bow I wanted. It even had my   rubbed one of our rattling antlers on a tree behind
                              favorite camo pattern on it, veil Whitetail Camo.   us thinking he would come. Sure enough, he started
                              I quickly went to set up the bow by putting the   walking straight toward us. That buck came within
                              sight and accessories on it, then ran outside to   14 yards, and I shot him and watched him run away.
                              shoot it. It took me several practices to get good   We later found him dead, and I was so happy that
                              at shooting my bow, but I knew by the next deer   my skills and my bow helped me reach another goal.
                              season, I would be ready to put it to use. That first   I had my very first buck to brag about.
                              season, I had a few encounters, but unfortunately   I have yet to truly master the skill of bowhunting,
                              I didn’t have any shot opportunities.    but I feel I am well on my way to understanding
                                However, this past summer, I was determined   what it means to be a bowhunter. I have started
                              to shoot a deer in the upcoming hunting season.   my journey, and I truly love shooting a bow and
                              I bought some new arrows and broadheads and   watching the arrows fly. Bowhunting has become
                              set out on a goal to harvest a deer. I didn’t want   my passion and something I believe will bring me
                              another season to leave me empty-handed. I’ve   joy for years to come.

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