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GAME BAG                                           had happened to him. Your efforts have not only returned years-old
                                                             stolen items, it brought a peace of mind to the victim.
                                                               Thank you for your exceptional work and tireless dedication.
          A COLLECTION OF LETTERS                            Your contributions make a significant difference, and I feel priv-

          TO THE WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT                         ileged to have worked with someone as dedicated and skilled
                                                             as you.
          We’d like to hear from you! Send your letters to Outdoor   Jared Cockerham, Fort Worth Police Department Homeland
          Oklahoma Letters, P.O. Box 53465, Oklahoma City, OK                                       Security Unit
          73152, or send e-mail to

          Dear Wildlife Department,                          Dear ODWC Law Enforcement Supervisor,
            Thanks to all the effort put forth through the Oklahoma Wildlife   I am writing to express my sincere
          Departments Hunters Against Hunger program. Once again, here   gratitude for the excellent work of Game
          at Terry’s Taxidermy and Wild Game Processing, working with City   Warden Riley Willman, who successfully
          Rescue Mission and Yukon Manna Pantry, we were able to supply   removed a group of poachers from one of
          several thousand pounds of venison to needy families in our state.   Tusker LLC’s properties in Delaware Coun-
          Thanks to all the hard-working people that help make this program   ty. I am a wildlife enthusiast, and I was
          a success.                                         appalled to learn that some people were
            Terry’s Taxidermy and Wild Game Processing, via Facebook  illegally hunting there.
                                                               Your Game Warden showed great cour-  Riley Willman
                                                             age, skill, and professionalism in confronting the poachers and
          Dear Interim Director Wade Free, Law Enforcement Chief   asking them to leave. He is a true hero and a valuable asset to
          Nathan Erdman, and LE Assistant Chief Wade Farrar,  your Department.
            On behalf of                                       I appreciate your leadership and support for the Game Warden
          Police Chief Loyd                                  and his mission. You have demonstrated a strong commitment to
          Berger and myself,                                 the conservation of wildlife and the protection of the environment.
          I want to thank all                                I hope you will continue to support and encourage Willman and his
          of you for send-                                   colleagues in their noble work.
          ing Game War-                                                                 Bill Lawson, grateful citizen,
          den Capt. Gary                                                       Tusker LLC (owned by the Lawson family)
          E mm o n s  an d
          Game Warden Lt.   Gary Emmons     Casey Young
          Casey Young to assist in teaching multiple LASER active shooter   Dear Don P. Brown, Associate Editor,
          classes in the Oklahoma City metro area. During these classes, 94   Thank you for the nice article on the Crosstimbers Primitive
          officers from 34 different agencies participated and completed this   Society, as well as the story on Caleb Flies (January/February 2024
          class. This was a huge effort, and the officers that attended greatly   issue). Our club embraces all things primitive. Caleb is a great
          benefited from being trained by such an experienced group. I   ambassador for traditional archery! As one of the three remaining
          have taught with Emmons and Young for many years and admire   charter members of the Crosstimbers club, it warms my heart to
          the passion, experience, and hands-on approach they bring when   see the old ways preserved. Oh, to be young again!
          teaching such an important class as this one.                                            Clifton Sikes
            Emmons and Young are tremendous assets, and your Depart-
          ment is blessed to have them.
                  Austin Slaten, Assistant Chief of Police, Del City Police   Dear Editor,
                                                 Department    I just read your articles (“Shooting Ol’ Smokepoles Sparks Pas-
                                                             sion for Past,” “A Hunt for the Ages”) in the January/February 2024
                                                             issue of Outdoor Oklahoma. I shoot a smokepole, and I shoot a
          Dear ODWC Special Investigator,                    recurve and long bow, so I agree with all that was said; they add
            I wanted to take a moment to commend you for your outstand-  much more to the hunt, and they require you to get intimate with
          ing work on the recent investigation and recovery of stolen big cat   the animal.
          and bighorn sheep mounts. Your dedication and thoroughness   I always say a prayer of thanks over the animal, perhaps reflecting
          throughout the entire process have not gone unnoticed.  that intimacy. Hemingway said something about loving the animal
            Your commitment to locating and recovering the property and   that you harvest.
          returning it to its rightful owner is truly impressive. The meticulous   Anyway, your articles made me feel good and warm. Thanks for
          attention to detail and perseverance you exhibited in handling the   that. Stay the course.
          investigation reflects your professionalism and Department.                             Wayne Turner
            I know the theft victim was heartbroken when he realized what

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