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            A scratchboard art-
          work titled “The Lesser
          Prairie Chicken” by Cris-                                                                           KELLY J BOSTIAN / KJBOUTDOORS
          ten Bosch of Alva Schools
          won the Oklahoma
          Department of Wildlife
          Conservation Award in
          this year’s Sutton Award
          student art competition.
            A 12th-grader, Bosch
          received a cash prize for
          the best depiction of an
          Oklahoma-related con-
          servation subject. Her
          artwork is a dramatic
          portrait of a single lesser
          prairie-chicken on a most-
          ly black background.
            The first-place Sutton
          Award winners in each category for this 19th annual   all Oklahoma high school students grades 9-12. The   ODWC Award winner
          contest are:                             award is funded up to $20,000, which is distributed to   Cristen Bosch of Alva High
                                                                                           School, ODWC Education
            •  2-D Art: Micah Beeson, Tulsa School of Arts and   winning students and their instructors as determined   Supervisor Colin Berg, and
              Sciences, “Hungry.”                  by a selection committee.               George Miksch Sutton Avian
                                                                                           Research Center board
            •  3-D Art: Destiny Hurst, Broken Arrow High School,   “From honeybees to Texas horned lizards, through   member Jay Pruett at the
              “Mother Nature.”                     sculptures to pastels, these students have intrigu-  NatureWorks Art Show and
                                                                                           Sale in Tulsa.
            •  Photography: Ashtyn Wichert, Northwest   ing stories to tell,” said Audra Fogle, development
              Tech Center-Fairview, “The Melodious World   director for the Sutton Avian Research Center in Bar-
              of Songbirds.”                       tlesville. “It is exciting to be able to connect our con-
            This year’s online contest drew 67 entries. The top 20   servation mission with schools to provide significant
          artworks were to be exhibited at the NatureWorks Art   scholarships for students and the teachers who work
          Show and Sale in Tulsa. Sponsors of the 2024 contest   so hard to run their programs on shoestring budgets.”
          included the Wildlife Department, NatureWorks, Amer-  Fogle said nearly 2,700 students have been
          ican Heritage Bank, Oklahoma Sculpture Society, and   encouraged to express themselves through this
          Grant’s Frames.                          art competition.
            Established in 2005, the Sutton Award recogniz-  The next Sutton Student Art Award competition will
          es high school students who demonstrate the ability   start seeking entries in fall, with artworks due in January.
          to communicate current conservation topics in com-  For more information and to view a gallery of this year’s
          pelling ways. The show is free to enter and open to   entries, go to

             VIA ODWC FACEBOOK                             YOUTH SCORES DOUBLE-BANDED

                                                           MALLARD ON CONTROLLED HUNT

                                                             Nicole was selected a winner of a Wildlife Department
                                                           controlled youth waterfowl hunt and was lucky enough to
                                                           harvest a mallard with not one, but two, leg bands! Banding
                                                           migratory birds is a practice that biologists use to track
                                                           harvest  rates, migratory  patterns,  and survival rates for
                                                           various species across North America. Only a small num-
                                                           ber of birds that are banded will have two bands. This is
                                                           a part of a reward band study that gauges the reporting
                                                           rate of harvested birds. Congratulations, Nicole, on a hunt
                                                           to remember!

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