Welcome to Go Outdoors Oklahoma

Login to:

  • Purchase and view / print your licenses & permits
  • Access E-Check / Apply for Controlled Hunts
  • View and Manage Your Customer Account
If you have ever held a hunting/fishing license in the state of Oklahoma , YOU ALREADY HAVE AN ACCOUNT. Please LOGIN below and enter your Date of Birth, Last Name and 3rd Identifier to access your account. 

Help Logging In

If you are a new customer / have never made a purchase through this site

 Login or Sign Up for a Account

Welcome to the Go Outdoors Oklahoma Online Licensing System!

If you have never purchased a hunting or fishing license in Oklahoma, select 'Enroll Now!' to create an account.

All others, including lifetime license holders and youth, search for your account using the 'Login' button.

Once logged in, you can purchase and access licenses, setup automatic renewal, e-check your harvest, manage your profile, and more!

We manage and protect fish and wildlife along with their habitats, while also growing out community of hunters and anglers, partnering with those who love the outdoors, and fostering stewardship with those who care for the land. The Wildlife Department receives no general state tax revenues and is proud to be funded primarily by hunters and anglers.

Download the Go Outdoors Oklahoma App

Download the free Go Outdoors OK mobile app to renew, purchase, and store your licenses, on your smartphone or tablet!

Mobile App Image