Page 26 - 2019 JUL/AUG Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 26


       B                                                    C

       A. Cicada on a sunflower stalk. Photo by   C. A monarch butterfly caterpillar's very   E. Yellow and black garden spider. Photo   G. I discovered this unusual scorpionfly
       Seth Schubert, Moore       first meal is its eggshell. Photo by Aaron   by Daryle Presley, Seminole  in the nature area of Rogers State
                                  Goodwin, Bartlesville                               University in Claremore. The scorpion-
       B. I captured this photo of a slender                F. Great spangled fritillary in Durant.   like tail does not sting. Photo by John
       meadow katydid in the garden of the   D. The cottonwood borer (Plectrodera   Photo by Amanda R. Henslee, Durant  Wilson, Tulsa
       Butterfly Papilion in Honor Heights   scalator) is one of the largest
       Park in Muskogee. Photo by Jerry   insects in Oklahoma. Photo by Aaron
       Ehlers, Tulsa              Goodwin, Bartlesville

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