Page 50 - 2019 JUL/AUG Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 50

Watchable Wildlife
    The American Bison by Justin Veach, Information Intern

                    O K L A H O M A’ S
            Watchable Wildlife

                                       the a meriCaN bisoN

                                      by j usti N v eaCh, eduCatioN i N terN

            The American bison, often mistakenly referred to as the  Male calves will usually leave after about three years.
          buffalo, is the largest mammal in North America. A male   Despite their huge bodies, American bison are very
          bison, called a bull, can stand up to 6 feet tall, weigh from  agile. They have the ability to spin around quickly and
          1,000 to 2,000 pounds, and can be up to 12 feet in length.  can jump up to 6 feet vertically. When they charge, they

          The heaviest wild bull recorded weighed about 2,800  can reach speeds up to 40 mph. One fun fact about the
          pounds. A female bison, called                                          bison is that its tail can indicate
                                         Despite their huge bodies,
          a cow, tends to be much smaller,                                        if it is ready to charge. If the

          averaging about 1,000 pounds   American bison are very                  tail is hanging down naturally,
          in weight.                                                              charging is unlikely. But if the
                                             agile. They have the
            Bison are covered in long,                                            tail is standing straight up, the
                                            ability to spin around
          shaggy, thick dark-brown fur                                            bison could be ready to charge.
          during winter, and a thinner,   quickly and can jump up to                 American Indians and early
          lighter-brown coat during sum-                                          European settlers learned that
                                                6 feet vertically.
          mer. Newborn calves have red-                                           bison are very difficult to domes-
          dish fur, giving them their nickname “red dogs.” Their fur  ticate, and their large bodies and quickness made them
          turns light brown after a few months. Bison have two sharp  dangerous to be near.
          horns that can grow up to 2 feet in length. They have a large    In 2016, President Barack Obama made the American

          hump on their back made of muscle that helps them use  bison the first national mammal of the United States.
          their large heads to push masses of snow out of their way.  Once numbering up to 50 million, bison were found

          The average lifespan of a bison in the wild is 10 to 20 years.  nearly everywhere in large, vast numbers across America.
          Cows start to breed around age 2.                  But by 1890, market hunting had reduced the population
            Female bison usually stick together in a herd while male  to less than 1,000. In 1905, William T. Hornaday and
          bison will go off on their own or join other male bison in their  Theodore Roosevelt created the American Bison Society

          own herd. The two herds will join during the mating season,  to try to save this animal from extinction. The Bronx Zoo
          which usually occurs between July and September. Domi-  and Yellowstone park also played important roles in bison
          nant bison mate first, and their calves will enjoy a better food  conservation efforts. In 1908, the federal government

          supply and the possibility to grow larger. Gestation lasts for  established the National Bison Range in Montana. Due to
          around 285 days, and a newborn calf will usually nurse until  conservation efforts and commercial breeding, bison now
          the next calf is born. Calves will stay with the female herd.  number about 500,000.

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