Page 30 - March/April 2020 - Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 30

By Jena Donnell, Wildlife Diversity Information Specialist

          WAde Free/odWC Insights From Decade of Wildlife Studies

          Insights From Decade

          of Wildlife Studies

          By Jena Donnell, Wildlife Diversity Information Specialist  ter-season bird distribution atlas in the nation! More
                                                            than 550 2-square-mile parcels were surveyed across
            The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation  the  state,  yielding  information  about  183  wintering
          has long been dedicated to the discovery of what makes  bird species.
          our  fish  and  wildlife  populations  thrive.  Sometimes   “Most bird atlases are focused on the breeding season,
          that discovery starts with a search of the state to find  but Oklahoma has a suite of birds that are only found
          where the animals are living, and sometimes the search  in  the  state  in  winter,”  Senior  Biologist  Mark  Howery
          leads to more questions. As we prepare to enter a new  said. “And surveys of some year-round residents like the
          decade of wildlife study, we checked in with the Wildlife  brown-headed nuthatch were more successful in the
          Department’s  Wildlife  Diversity  staff  for  insights  into  winter than in the breeding season.”
          research and surveys that have been completed in the
          past 10 years.                                    It Takes a Team
                                                              Surveys often take weeks or months in the field to
          To Everything a Season                            apply different survey methods and test various tech-
            One of the first wildlife projects completed in the  niques.  With  Oklahoma’s  incredible  diversity  in  its
          2010s was also the first of its kind. In 2010, surveyors  wildlife and habitat, the Department regularly looks to
          with the Oklahoma Biological Survey wrapped up the  our community of research partners for help. In 2011,
          Oklahoma Winter Bird Atlas, the first statewide win-  a  survey  team  with  the  University  of  Oklahoma  com-

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