Page 34 - March/April 2020 - Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 34

Repopulation Efforts Targeting Waters They Once Wandered
          By Kelly Adams, Information Specialist and Jason Schooley, Senior Fisheries Biologist

          MArY dAviS/uSFWS Paddlefish Propagation

          When the young paddlefish reach about 12 inches, they are ready to be stocked in Oklahoma waters. Larger fish will have a greater chance
          of survival to breeding age, which ultimately defines the success of these restoration efforts.
          Paddlefish                                                         of  the  Mississippi  River  Basin  for
                                                                               Inhabiting the rivers and bayous

                                                                             about 65 million years since the late
                                                                             Cretaceous  Period, paddlefish  are
          Propagation                                                        among the oldest living species  on
                                                                             the North American continent.
                                                                               Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) were
                                                                             once abundant throughout their range,
                                                                             but dam construction has interrupted
                                                                             their migratory breeding and feed-
          Repopulation Efforts Targeting                                     ing patterns, resulting in population
                                                                             declines. These habitat losses, paired
          Waters They Once Wandered                                          with commercial and recreational

                                                                             overharvest, have caused concern for
                                                                             the future of the species.
                                                                               While some Oklahoma reservoirs and
          By Kelly Adams, Information Specialist and                         tributaries host robust paddlefish pop-
          Jason Schooley, Senior Fisheries Biologist                         ulations, managing these populations

                                                                             to be self-sustaining has been a key

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