Page 35 - March/April 2020 - Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 35


          At the Tishomingo National Fish Hatchery, the broodstock are collected from holding ponds, and transferred to tanks where they can be closely
          monitored. Biologists frequently check the fishes’ readiness to spawn, and when the timing is perfect, eggs and milt (fish sperm) are collected.

          focus for the Oklahoma Department of
          Wildlife Conservation and the U.S. Fish                                                             SAM STuKeL/uSFWS
          and Wildlife Service (USFWS).
            Jason Schooley, Senior Fisheries
          Biologist for the Wildlife Department,
          has spent most of his career working to
          better understand these shark-like fish.
          “The scientific order Acipenseriformes,
          which includes the sturgeons and pad-
          dlefishes, has the unfortunate distinc-
          tion of being one of the most imperiled
          groups of fishes on Earth. Oklahoma’s
          paddlefish are not immune from
          threats of habitat loss and overharvest,
          and require careful and thoughtful
          management informed by research,”
          Schooley said.
            Over the evolutionary history of this
          unique group of fishes, six different
          types of paddlefishes have inhabited
          Earth. But only two survived to mod-
          ern times. Unfortunately, scientists
          recently declared the Chinese paddle-  In about two weeks, young paddlefish will begin to externally feed, which poses a unique
          fish (Psephurus gladius) extinct, leaving   challenge. Paddlefish are planktivores and are filter feeders. While zooplankton is present
                                             in the hatchery’s water system, biologists pellet-feed the paddlefish to ensure they will be
          the American paddlefish as the lone   hardy and healthy before they are stocked.

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