Page 39 - March/April 2020 - Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 39


          by all states in the historic range, which  Research  Center  (PRC)  near  Miami,
          calls for collaborative efforts in man- Okla.,  uses  angler-harvested  speci-                      KeLLY AdAMS/odWC
          agement and restoration.          mens to collect data for stock assess-
            Due to population declines in  ment while providing funds for
          Texas, the paddlefish is considered a  conservation and research through
          protected species, where regulations  paddlefish caviar sales. The PRC has
          prohibit catching, killing or harming  allowed the Department to collect vol-
          them in any way. Department and  umes of biological, ecological, physio-
          USFWS biologists also collect paddle- logical, genetic and sociological data
          fish broodstock on the Red River for  on paddlefish and paddlefish anglers,
          restoration projects in Texas.    which  would  have  been  next-to-im-
            In Oklahoma, the situation is much  possible through any other means.
          different. Compared to surrounding   The PRC is just one piece of the
          states,  Oklahoma  hosts  abundant  puzzle, however. Much of Oklahoma’s
          paddlefish populations and is known  paddlefish success can be attribut-
          worldwide for its paddlefish snagging  ed to collaborative efforts between
          opportunities. Many factors contrib- state and federal government agen-
          ute to Oklahoma’s paddlefish success,  cies, and their efforts to reintroduce
          but perhaps none more than a staff of  this species throughout its range.   Eggs and milt are mixed, and water is
          fisheries biologists dedicated to pad-  Producing  young  paddlefish  for   added to activate the milt so the eggs will
                                                                               be fertilized. The fertilized eggs are added
          dlefish research, management and  redistribution  and  restoration  is   to jars and are “rolled” with water and
          conservation.                     quite a process and no  easy feat.   oxygen. In about five days, the eggs hatch.
            The Department’s Paddlefish  Every spring, Department and

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