Page 40 - March/April 2020 - Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 40

USFWS biologists collect female and  ly to ensure their survival, said Sarah
          male  paddlefish  from  Oklahoma  Spangler of USFWS.                                                KeLLY AdAMS/odWC
          waters. Selection of the collec-   “We collect broodstock during the
          tion site is informed by statewide  coldest  month  of  the  year  because
          genetics research completed by the  the colder the temperature, the more
          Department, with the goal of match- oxygen  is  in  the  water,  and  that  is
          ing or maximizing the genetic integ- better for the fish. We also add salt to
          rity  of  the  source  and  destination  the  transportation  tanks  to  replace
          waters. Once captured, the fish are  some of the electrolytes the fish may
          weighed, sexed and tagged, then are  have lost due to stress.”
          carefully transported to the Tishomingo   At the  Tishomingo  hatchery,  the
          National Fish Hatchery in a special truck  collected  paddlefish  are  placed  in
          equipped with a large tank, water and  outdoor ponds, and a waiting game
          oxygen. From the moment the fish  begins. Paddlefish spawn when
          are collected, biologists work diligent- specific environmental conditions

                                                                                                              KeLLY AdAMS/odWC

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