Page 50 - March/April 2020 - Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 50

Watchable Wildlife
    The Gray Fox by Justin Veach, Education Intern

                    O K L A H O M A’ S
            Watchable Wildlife

                                             the Gr ay fox

                                      by j usti N v eaCh, eduCatioN i N terN

            Three species of foxes can be found in Oklahoma, and  grasshoppers and crickets to supplement their diet.

          one of them is the gray fox. The others are the red fox   The mating season for gray foxes is usually between
          and the swift fox.                                 January and April depending on climate and location.

            The gray fox can easily be confused with the red fox,  The male typically pairs with one female in its lifetime
          but it can be distinguished by the patch of gray fur along  unless that female dies. The gestation period lasts an

          the back and face. The gray fox also has reddish-brown  average of 53 days, and a litter will have up to seven
          fur on its sides with a long bushy tail that has a black  kits. The female prepares a den and tends to the kits,

          stripe running along the top of it.                                   while the male hunts for food. At
                                              The gray fox is
            Adult male gray foxes can reach                                     about 3 months old, the kits are

                                            the only species of
          a weight up to 15 pounds, while                                       taken out of the den to be taught
          the adult female will usually weigh                                   how to hunt. Within another
          about 8 pounds. The average lifes- fox that can climb                 month, they are able to hunt on

          pan of a gray fox in the wild is six                                  their own.
                                           straight up a tree.
          to eight years.                                                         The den is then left until the
            The gray fox is the only species of fox that can climb  next year, and the same male and female will come back

          straight up a tree. They do this to escape predators,  together to produce and raise another litter. Gray foxes
          search for food, or find a place to relax. They have the  make their dens in crevices, caves, hollow logs, trees, or

          ability to jump from branch to branch, and they use their  burrows in the ground.
          long sharp claws to climb up and down the trunk. Gray   Gray foxes are able to mate at 1 year of age. This

          foxes prefer to live in heavily wooded areas. Their color-  can quickly lead to the population outgrowing the car-
          ing helps them easily blend in with their environment.   rying capacity of the environment, resulting in loss of

            Gray foxes can run at speeds up to 27 mph and  food, loss of habitat, and spreading of disease. To keep
          can maintain that speed for quite some time; this  this from happening, the Oklahoma Department of

          helps them catch their prey. They eat various foods  Wildlife Conservation has included gray foxes in the
          including rodents, birds, insects, fruit, nuts, and  furbearer trapping and hunting season from December

          grass. During summer and fall, they will eat a lot of  through February.

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