Page 12 - Outdoor Oklahoma - May/June 2021 Issue
P. 12

Welcome                                           theDock!


                   Are the fish biting? You bet! Step onto The Dock and take a gander at some remarkable catches made recently by
                      Oklahoma anglers. Here’s a few we thought you would enjoy! To see more or submit a photo of your catch,
                                           go to

                                                                                     Daniel Heaton, smallmouth bass, Lake of the
                                                                                     Daniel Heaton, smallmouth bass, Lake of the
                                                                                     Arbuckles, Jan. 24, 2021.
                                                                                     Arbuckles, Jan. 24, 2021.
               Rebecca Jones, Crappie, Fort Gibson, April 3, 2021.

                                                     Dru, rainbow trout, Lower
                                                     D r u , r a i n b o w t r o u t , L o w e r
                                                     Mountain Fork River, March 2021.
                                                     M o u n t a i n F o r k R iv e r , M a r c h 2 0 2 1 .

              Jared Homer, catfish, Lake Ellsworth, Jan. 17, 2021.            Cooper Ferrell, largemouth bass, Grady County
                                                                              private water, March 19, 2021.

                10                                                                              Off the Beaten Path

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