Page 15 - Outdoor Oklahoma - May/June 2021 Issue
P. 15

“Once things start warming up, we try to get out here

                   right about daylight, just to get out here to get on the
                   good active fish first thing in the morning.”


                By Smokey Solis, Communication
                and Education Specialist                                                                            DARRIN HILL/ODWC

                  Imagine waking 15 minutes before
                sunrise. You brew your coffee, grab
                that  honey  bun  you’ve  been  sav-
                ing,  snag  your  favorite  tackle,  and
                then off you go. Barely three minutes
                down the road, you’re fishing in a vir-
                tual tournament at your favorite lake!
                  For  Michael  Galbraith,  this  is  a
                reality  he  gets  to  live  out  nearly
                every day.
                  Galbraith  is  captain  of  oper-
                ations  for  the  Oklahoma  State
                University-Tulsa  Police  Department.
                A typical work week for him includes
                multiple  trips  to  and  from  the
                OSU-Tulsa  and  Stillwater  campus-
                es for administrative meetings and a
                day patrolling the Tulsa campus.
                  Although  he  has  a  successful  law
                enforcement career, fishing is how he
                spends most of his free time.
                  “The reason I like to fish as much
                MAY/JUNE 2021
                M A Y/ J U N E  2 0 2 1                                                                          13

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