Page 16 - Outdoor Oklahoma - May/June 2021 Issue
P. 16

“I’ll fish a couple jackpot

                   tournaments on Tuesday

                   or Thursday, then I’m

                   fishing all weekend.”

                DARRIN HILL/ODWC

                as I do is because there is something
                about the anticipation of that fish bit-
                ing,” he said.
                  During  evenings  and  week-                                                                      MICHAEL GALbRAITH/ vIA FACEbOOk
                ends, Michael Galbraith can be found
                out on the water, competing in vari-
                ous fishing tournaments throughout
                Oklahoma and surrounding states.
                   “I’ll fish a couple jackpot tourna-
                ments on Tuesday or Thursday, then
                I’m  fishing  all  weekend,”  Galbraith
                said.  “I’ll  be  on  the  pond  or  in  the
                kayak or something.”
                  Langston  Lake  is  his  home  lake.
                Situated near Langston University in
                central  Oklahoma,  this  lake  makes
                fishing  an  everyday  possibility  for
                Galbraith, since he lives close by. He
                usually  fishes  consistently  from
                February through November.
                  “Once things start warming up, we
                try to get out here right about day-
                light,  just  to  get  out  here  to  get  on
                the good active fish first thing in the
                morning,” Michael Galbraith said.
                  The best part of having Langston
                Lake so close to home is that it gives
                him  the  opportunity  to  fish  with-
                14                                                                               OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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