Page 17 - Outdoor Oklahoma - May/June 2021 Issue
P. 17

“The reason I like to fish

                   as much as I do is because

                   there is something about the

                   anticipation of that fish biting.”

                                                                                                                    DARRIN HILL/ODWC

                out very much pressure from other  across the Oklahoma Kayak Anglers  Getting  into  anything  new  can  be
                anglers, and it gives him a place to  Facebook  page,  and  he  quickly  had  daunting  at  first.  New  gear,  tech-
                try out new equipment for upcom- some like-minded acquaintances.   niques and locations can be a lot to
                ing tournaments.                   He  didn’t  initially  start  fishing  take  in,  but  there  are  always  peo-
                  Galbraith has enjoyed the outdoors  in  tournaments  for  the  chance  to  ple  and  other  resources  to  answer
                since he was young. Much of that time  win. He simply wanted to learn how  your  questions  to  and  help  get  you
                has been with fishing pole in hand. But  to fish larger lakes. But now he fish-  out on the water.
                he’s fairly new to competitive fishing.  es 15 tournaments a year throughout   “Believe  it  or  not,  most  seasoned
                  In 2018, he bought his first kayak  the southern United States.   anglers have made all the mistakes,
                and  wanted  to  meet  people  with   Galbraith’s  tip  for  new  anglers:  and they will share them with you so
                the same interest he had. He came  Don’t  be  afraid  to  ask  questions.  you don’t make them,” he said.
                MAY/JUNE 2021                                                                                    15
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