Page 18 - Outdoor Oklahoma - May/June 2021 Issue
P. 18

Kayak Fishing Primer:

                Getting Started Right!


                  Getting  on  the  water  doesn’t  have  to  be  expensive,  can  ice  packs  with  craft  created  from  nothing  more  than  skins
                get you some exercise,  and most importantly,  can be a very  stretched  over  a  frame  of  bone  or  driftwood.  Things  have
                effective way to catch fish without a traditional fishing boat.  changed a bit since then.
                More anglers are finding that kayak fishing is not only inex-  Jump forward to the late 1960s, when a southern California
                pensive and fun but is sometimes even more effective than  surfer  and  diver,  Tim  Niemier,  was  generally  credited  with
                those high-dollar fishing rigs at putting a big fish on the end  creating the original sit-on-top. He carved out seats and tank
                of your line.                                     wells in old fiberglass surfboards and sold them right on the
                  The  first  step  is  deciding  if  you  are  mentally  suited  for  beach or along the highway. His business caught fire, and he
                kayaking. Do you love to hear that big outboard scream and  was soon mass-producing his sit-on-top.
                feel the rush of a boat jumping up and accelerating across   The real breakthrough was the development of the rotomold-
                the lake? Or is stopping for a few minutes to watch a mother  ing process, which resulted in the modern sit-on-top, plastic
                grebe taking her new offspring for a ride more your style?  kayak. The market then started booming in the early 1970s.
                Kayaking is best enjoyed by those who aren’t in a great hurry.  Some 50 years later, fishing in kayaks is becoming common.
                  Are you comfortable when wet. In a kayak, you are literally   A wide range kayaks are available to anglers. An Internet
                sitting at water level, and getting wet is part of the experience.  search will quickly provide the prospective kayak buyer an
                  The  Inuit  people  of  the  North  are  generally  given  credit  almost  bewildering  assortment  of  boats,  even  kayaks  you
                as being the developers of the first fishing/hunting kayaks  pedal instead of paddle. Realize that there is no “one best
                more than 4,000 years ago. Despite their small size,  kayaks  kayak,” but there are probably a few well-suited to you and
                were crucial in helping the Inuit master the mighty ocean and  your needs.
                16                                                                               OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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