Page 19 - Outdoor Oklahoma - May/June 2021 Issue
P. 19

Long,  narrow kayaks are faster and less stable (easier to   Learn how to get back into your kayak should you fall out by
                flip over) than short, wide kayaks. If you primarily fish small  going out and practicing re-entry in shallow and deep water,
                reservoirs or farm ponds, the need for speed really isn’t a fac-  and have someone else there in another boat to help you if
                tor. The longer, narrower boats cover more distance faster and  you can’t get back on your kayak.
                also paddle (or peddle) easier into the wind. Many kayaks in   Finally, it’s time to make a fishing craft out of it. The amount
                the 12- to 14-foot range track well and are still plenty stable.  and type of customizing you do is up to you. But rather than
                  Also, pay attention to the kayak’s weight capacity. The clos-  getting  carried  away  with  every  gadget  on  the  market,  let
                er the weight of you and your gear is to the kayak’s weight  your fishing style dictate how to rig your kayak. Many accesso-
                capacity, the lower the boat will ride on the water and the less  ries can be obtained inexpensively or even made from unused
                water-worthy it will be.                          household items. Old cell phone cords make great paddle and
                  Once you’ve narrowed your search,  go for a test-paddle. A  rod keepers. Ice chests transform into floating tackle boxes or
                used-kayak seller should let you take it for a test float, if for no  bait tanks. A plastic milk bottle can hold extra gear and tackle.
                other reason than to assure you the boat doesn’t leak. Just make  Adding a few pieces of PVC to the right spot on your kayak
                sure it is comfortable, paddles well, and that it’s watertight.  provides rod holders.
                  Renting a kayak is also an option to test various types. Take   With  some  creativity  and  Internet  research,  there  is  no
                your time, do some research, and get a kayak that works for  shortage of resources available to answer questions and solve
                you (after you have paddled it).                  rigging issues you might encounter.
                  Every kayak needs a paddle, and they come in a number of   Kayaks allow you to get on the water for cheap. You just
                styles and lengths. Aluminum, fiberglass, and carbon are the  might be surprised at how much fun you can have spending so
                most common paddle shaft materials. Aluminum paddles are  little money. And they make great fishing platforms. What you
                the heaviest (and cheapest), and carbon paddles are the light-  sacrifice in speeding all over the lake is more than offset by
                est and priciest. The lighter the paddle, the longer you’ll be  the kayak’s greatest attribute: stealth. No 20-foot boat sneaks
                able to use it before you get tired.              up to a sunken brush pile, roadbed, or shallow rocky point like
                  And every kayaker needs a comfortable Personal Floatation.  a well-paddled kayak!
                Wearing one at all times is a must for any responsible pad-
                dler. The possibility that you will wind up in the water is much   — By Jim Burroughs, Fisheries Regional Supervisor,
                greater in a kayak than in a boat.                               and Danny Bowen, Fisheries Biologist (Retired)

                                                                                                                    COREY JAGER/ODWC

                Longtime kayak angler Danny Bowen catches a nice bass on a recent outing.
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