Page 22 - Outdoor Oklahoma - May/June 2021 Issue
P. 22

In my family, fishing for bedding bluegills is a much-antic-  every  pond,  lake,  river  and  stream  in  the  state  has  a  resi-
                ipated event. During April, while I’m chasing turkeys all over  dent bluegill population. Also,  their firm,  white meat makes
                the state, my wife patiently awaits the warm, sunny days of  for excellent eating. Grilled, breaded and fried, or baked, the
                May. She anticipates our first bluegill trip of the year like a  result is a sweet-tasting meal.
                youngster awaiting Christmas Day.                   From  Broken  Bow  to  Black  Mesa  and  everywhere  in-be-
                  So, what’s the big deal about fishin’ for sunfish? I can sum it  tween,  sunfish begin their move to shallow-water spawning
                up in six words: action, action, action, and eatin’, eatin’, eatin’.  areas between early May and early June. Like most spawn-
                Tie into 50 bull (male) bluegills in an afternoon and just try to  ing activity, the actual timing is determined by a combination
                convince me you didn’t have a blast.              of day length and water temperature. Sunfish use their tails
                  Pound-for-pound,  sunfish  (bluegills,  longears,  greens  to fan out spawning nests, called beds, in relatively shallow
                and hybrids) are some of the scrappiest fighters that swim  water, sometimes as shallow as a foot or two but rarely deeper
                Oklahoma  waters.  No,  they’re  not  as  glamorous  as  striped  than five. Most beds will be in two or three feet of water.
                bass, walleye or smallmouths, but they fight like they’ve got a   Bedding sites can be found in and around cover,  or along
                huge chip on their shoulder about their lesser status.   relatively open banks. In clearer water,  you can usually see
                  Fighting  ability  aside,  bluegills  also  have  several  other  the dish-shaped nests with the aid of polarized sunglasses.
                qualities that make them worthy of any angler’s attention. For  To locate beds in murkier water, you may need to simply fish
                one, they’re found just about anywhere you find water. Almost  along  the  bank  until  you  start  catching  sunfish.  Once  you

                WHITNEY JENkINs/ODWC

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