Page 23 - Outdoor Oklahoma - May/June 2021 Issue
P. 23


                                                                      Bluegill                                  DUANE RAvER


                                                                      Green                                     DUANE RAvER


                                                                      Longear                                   DUANE RAvER


                                                                      Redear                                    DUANE RAvER


                catch  one,  though,  you’ve  probably  hit  a  jackpot.  Bluegills   Standard bluegill gear consists of a rod and reel (or cane
                are colonial nesters,  meaning they make their beds in large  pole),  a  hook,  sinker  and  bobber.  Earthworms  and  crick-
                groups or colonies.                               ets are probably the most popular bait choices,  but catalpa
                  Another thing to remember is that bluegills often use the  worms, nightcrawlers and prepared baits also catch spawning
                same nesting areas each year. If you locate a spawning bed  bluegills. Actually, just about anything that will fit into a blue-
                and enter it into the fishing-trivia-recall portion of your brain,  gill’s small mouth will catch one during this time of year.
                chances  are  good  that  you’ll  find  spawning  sunfish  in  that   Sunfish aggressively guard their nesting areas, and anything
                same location year after year.                    placed in the vicinity will draw a fierce strike. After running
                MAY/JUNE 2021                                                                                    21

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