Page 26 - Outdoor Oklahoma - May/June 2021 Issue
P. 26


                  Get Outdoors!                   for Kids!

                  spring has sprung, and it’s a great
                  time to go camping, hiking and
                  fishing! If you live in Oklahoma and
                  are 15 or younger, you can fish
                  without a state license. Research
                  state parks, campgrounds and
                  recreation areas near you. Ask   Word Search:
                  your parent or guardian to plan a
                  camping or hiking trip, and take
                  your fishing rod!               Oklahoma Springtime
                  P.s.: Don’t forget the bug spray!
                                                   W I       L D F         L O W E R S I                   R S

                  Hunting Tip                      R T U R K E Y S F W T S E G

                  May 15 is when squirrel hunting   M E N I H S N U S S D T E                                   L
                  season opens in Oklahoma.
                  squirrel hunting is a great way   R K R S F N G R E U H I                                B N
                  for youngsters to start hunting
                  and learn all about it. Oklahoma   O R E D L             R N K E T L                R    I D
                  has two species of squirrels: fox
                  and gray. If you are an Oklahoma   T D S R A F A A B O W G R R
                  resident 15 or younger, you can
                  hunt squirrels without a hunting   S O I N N N R E F A W N D R
                  license, but someone at least 18
                  who is hunter education-certified   R U N O S O D O E D S I N T
                  (unless exempt) must be with
                  you. You can learn how to clean   E U R        I    R D N E G R N H E R
                  squirrels and ask Mom or Dad to
                  cook them for dinner! Yum!       D T W T L W T T L S T S S F
                                                   N O A G R E E N E                         I    I    I T S

                  Fishing Tip                      U B D G T O Y G N R O F S U

                  When the water at your favorite   H T O R N A D O S T O N E N
                  fishing spot turns muddy, don’t
                  give up trying to catch some fish.   T S F B R N T I D O G N A E
                  black bass might not be able
                  to see your underwater lures in   Find the names of these things that can be found in Oklahoma:
                  muddy water. so, change tactics.    Tornado          snakes          Fishing        sunshine
                  Fish with top-water plugs or fly-
                  rod poppers, and make them       Thunderstorm        Green          bird Nest        Turkeys
                  splash and sputter as much as        Fawn            Frogs          Dandelion      Wildflowers
                  you can. That just might tempt
                  that big bass to strike!

                24                                                                         Outdoor Oklahoma


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