Page 29 - Outdoor Oklahoma - May/June 2021 Issue
P. 29

Squirrel season is open 8 and a half months in Oklahoma.

                  SEVERAL  YEARS  AGO, I was reacquainted, by accident,    I had started building a Carolina-style long rifle,  .45-cal-
                with  one  of  those  backwoods-type  magazines  —  a  unique  iber percussion,  for my grandson several months before but
                magazine for folks who enjoy the old ways of doing things.  I hadn’t touched it for a while. Finding the magazine is just
                There were articles on how to make a knife or how to make  what I needed to get me back on track. I just love to build
                dill pickles, plus recipes, and folklore and such.  flintlocks. I have built 12, I think. I built one for each of my
                  It’s a very interesting magazine if you like learning about and  kids (two girls and a boy) and several friends. All my guns are
                making things with your hands. I am a guy who loves to tinker  researched and historically.
                with things and create things, to make or repair something. So,   My 15-year-old grandson had begged me to build him one
                the magazine was right down my alley, as my dad used to say.  since he was 6. And since he was about to quit growing,  I
                  This was about the second week in January. I was work-  decided to build him a nice one. It was about half built then,
                ing out of  town,  and  one  night  I  was bored to tears,  what  with a long way to go.
                with being holed-up in a motel room and the poor selection   I had been into buckskinning for 35 years or so, and had made
                of  programming  on  the  TV.  I                                          all the gear over the years. I had
                had  forgotten  my  Kindle,  so  I   “Look at this, Papa. It’s a story    built  numerous  powder  horns,
                had  nothing  to  read.  I  hopped   about a guy squirrel hunting with a   knives,  moccasins,  possibles
                in  the  truck  and  went  to  the  muzzleloader. Heck, we’ve done that   bags, colonial clothing and all the
                local  bookstore.  While  stroll-   before, several times.”               proper gear to be a longhunter.
                ing  through  the  magazines,  I                                            But my most prized possessions
                discovered several copies of The Backwoodsman magazine.  are the muzzleloading guns that I have built. Not kit guns, but cus-
                I hadn’t seen it in years. I grabbed one and headed for the  tom guns. Kit guns are a very good way to get a good muzzleload-
                motel, where I read the whole issue several times that week.   ing rifle at a decent price. Custom guns can go for $2,500 easily. If
                  By the time I got home, that magazine had me all pumped  you have any talent at all, you can build a gun. And if you build it,
                up,  and I was ready to make something. I was ready to be  it becomes a special treasure to you, or to whomever you give it to.
                creative.  Being creative soothes my soul. So, out to the gun   I build flintlocks mostly. Oh, I have all the modern stuff: all
                shop/guitar house/man cave I did go. That is where most of  the usual guns a fellow might have. But, the old, traditional
                my puttering takes place.                         guns are my passion, especially the flintlocks.
                MAY/JUNE 2021                                                                                    27

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