Page 30 - Outdoor Oklahoma - May/June 2021 Issue
P. 30

Anyone who shoots traditional muzzleloaders, percussion
                or flint, is going to do things the hard way. Shooting a flint-
                lock is like shooting a traditional longbow. They are not as
                foolproof as modern firearms. So, when you do bag any game
                animal,  you feel different about it. It means more to me to
                have accomplished a successful hunt the old way. It’s kind of
                reverent. Things can go wrong when you are using the old-
                style equipment. Once your target enters your hunting area,
                you can’t make any mistakes, and your gun has to fire with-
                out complications. When it finally happens, you appreciate the
                entire event a lot more.
                  My  grandson,  Jacob  (we  call  him  Jake),  read  and  studied
                that magazine,  as well. We both were inspired to try some
                of those recipes, or make a knife — those sorts of things. Old
                Jake decided to make himself a powder horn to go with the
                new rifle I was building for him. I began working on his rifle
                again. I still had several months to go before I would finish
                it. We were having such a fine time hanging out in the shop
                JAkE kELLY                                        together, talking over things we had done together and places
                                                                  we had gone over the years.
                                                                    He always referred to our adventures as “makin’ memories.”
                                                                  He was 6 months old the first time I took him fishing, and he’s
                                                                  been in my shadow since.
                                                                    Finally the March/April magazine came out. I found a copy
                                                                  and took it to the shop. Jake snatched it out of my hands and
                                                                  said, “Me first!” with a laugh. “Look at this, Papa. It’s a story
                                                                  about a guy squirrel hunting with a muzzleloader. Heck, we’ve
                                                                  done that before, several times.”
                     “I see the                                     We’d already been discussing the upcoming squirrel season.
                     red tail                                     And there, on page 42, was a story about a black powder squirrel
                     flash. Jake                                  hunt. He said we should do a hunt of our own. Well, we would
                                                                  have to wait two and a half months for squirrel season to open.
                     couldn’t                                       I’ve  been  hunting  squirrels  with  a  black-powder  gun  for
                     see it, so                                   45 years or so. Do it every year. The kids love it as much as
                     I took the                                   I do. Squirrel hunting is a perfect excuse to get back in the
                     shot.”                                       woods after a long winter. I have used a .22 or a shotgun or
                                                                  my Diamondback .22 revolver. When I was about 5, my grand-
                                                                  pa made me a slingshot. I carried it in my hip pocket, and my
                                                                  pockets were full of hand-picked rocks. My first squirrel was
                                                                  bagged with it when I was 7.
                                                                    Opening day, May 15, was on a Tuesday that year. But other
                                                                  obligations delayed us getting into the woods squirrel hunting
                                                                  until May 21. We call them day trips. We have our cooking gear
                                                                  in a pack basket along with everything needed to bag, cook
                                                                  and eat a squirrel.
                                                                    I’m toting a Lehigh Valley style .32-caliber flintlock rifle that
                                                                  I built in 1986. It is the first long rifle I ever built, and it’s my
                                                                  favorite. Jake is carrying a custom 16-gauge smoothbore fowl-
                                                                  ing piece. A flintlock to be sure, for the occasion. Each of us
                                                                  had our own gun belt with our favorite items. Since we live in
                                                                  copperhead and rattlesnake country, we have our snake guns.
                                                                  Mine is a .357, and his a .38. Both are loaded with snake shot.
                                                                    We each have a leather “fire bag” on our belts. We made the
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