Page 38 - Outdoor Oklahoma - May/June 2021 Issue
P. 38

Many hunters view dove season as the unoffi-  fall,  dove  begin  to  fly  south,  “pushed”  by  cold
                              cial kickoff of hunting season. The dove season  fronts. This migration requires a lot of energy,
                              opener Sept. 1 each year leads the way into the  and that energy comes from the food sources
                              fall and winter hunting seasons.            available as they migrate. Therefore, providing a
                                Hunters are able to get out in moderate weath-  grain food resource at that time of year can draw
                              er conditions and enjoy wingshooting for a fast,  higher numbers of dove.
                              fitful, falcon-like bird. These agile birds can be   Since dove are migratory birds, they are pro-
                              a tough target as they zig and zag while zoom-  tected by federal regulations that prohibit bait-
                              ing by. That said, a hunter will want to have shot  ing. So, it takes a little more creativity to provide
                              opportunities at the most dove possible.    these needed grains.
                                Doves,  like  any  other  wildlife  species,  are   Management practices for dove will take place
                              looking for key items needed for survival: food,  months  before  the  season  opens.  The  prima-
                              water, and shelter. By managing land according-  ry method to provide grain for dove is through
                              ly,  anyone’s  property  can  be  manipulated  and  food plots.
                              maintained to provide the item most lacking but   The term “food plot” likely triggered a thought
                              needed during the hunting season.           process  that  includes  working  ground,  buying
                                Dove season coincides with dove migration. As  seed,  planting  seed,  and  fertilizing  that  newly
                              temperatures drop in late summer and through  planted plot. But there are simpler, less expen-

                JENA DONNELL/ODWC

                              DAvID bANTA/ODWC                                                        Above:
                                                                                                      Disking at
                                                                                                      Flat WMA in
                                                                                                      preparation for
                                                                                                      dove hunting
                                                                                                      Disking is usually
                                                                                                      the first step
                                                                                                      in a months-
                                                                                                      long process to
                                                                                                      prepare fields
                                                                                                      for better dove

                                                                                                 OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA
                36                                                                               OU T D O O R  O K L A HO M A

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