Page 47 - Outdoor Oklahoma - May/June 2021 Issue
P. 47


                  So, when Shelton was invited to join the
                Board of Directors of the OWCF, he agreed.
                  Shelton has been involved in some of                                                              WADE FREE/ODWC
                the Foundation’s most significant efforts
                to date. His two-day benefit concert two
                years  ago  (featuring  Luke  Bryan  and
                himself)  to  kick  off  his  concert/restau-
                rant  venue  in  Tishomingo  put  almost
                $150,000  in  the  Foundation’s  bank
                account and provided immediate nation-
                al awareness for the Foundation. More
                recently,  Blake  hosted  a  special  fishing
                day  at  his  ranch  for  children  in  foster
                care,  which  is  used  by  OWCF  and  the
                Wildlife Department to promote aware-
                ness of the Foundation and the benefits   OWCF Executive Director Rick Grundman, Blake Shelton, and ODWC Director J.D. Strong
                                                  admire the success of some young anglers during a fishing event hosted by Shelton for
                of sharing fishing with children.  youths in foster care.
                  Like  most  every-
                day  outdoorsmen,
                Shelton  thinks  the                                   J.D. sTRONG/ODWC
                investment  in  new                                                                                 NELs RODEFELD/ODWC
                technology  (online
                license  and  game
                check  system)  has
                been  a  huge  step
                up  and  hopes  to  see
                “anything  and  every-
                thing” in the future to
                try and make it easier
                for  folks  to  continue
                enjoying  the  great
                  “Without  people
                who care about hunt-
                ing and fishing in the
                future,  none  of  what
                we’ve  done  or  what
                exists  today  even
                matters,”  he  said.
                “That’s  why  I  agreed
                to  serve  on  the
                Foundation  board,
                because  I  want  it  to   Blake Shelton, Foundation board member,   Seen here after landing a paddlefish in eastern Oklahoma,
                                   joined wildlife biologists on a recent
                matter forever.”   southeastern Oklahoma bear research den visit   country music superstar Blake Shelton has enjoyed fishing
                                   and is seen here holding a black bear cub.  his entire life.

                                                    THE OKLAHOMA WILDLIFE CONSERVATION FOUNDATION (OWCF) was created to support
                                                    the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation and its activities in managing the
                                                    state’s fish and wildlife resources and habitats. The Wildlife Department receives no
                                                    general state tax appropriations; ODWC operates primarily with license sales and federal
              matching grants. The Foundation provides added financial support for ODWC’s mission.
                                                    All donations are tax-deductible. For more information, go to www.OKwildlifefoundation.
                                                    org or

                                                    The Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Foundation is now set up as a charitable
                                                    organization through AmazonSmile.
                                                    AmazonSmile is a program that donates 0.5 percent of your eligible purchases on Amazon
                                                    to a charity of your choice. All you need to do is start your shopping at
                                                    com. The donation will be made at no extra cost to you, and you can choose from nearly a
                                                    million public charitable organizations.

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                MAY/JUNE 2021

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