Page 31 - May/June 2022 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 31

For several thousand high school and mid-
               dle school students across Oklahoma, it’s a   DANIEL GRIFFITH/ODWC         DANIEL GRIFFITH/ODWC
               matter of pride for them to be able to shoul-
               der their shotguns and give it their best shot
               at earning a state championship title.
                   These student-athletes are participants
               in the Oklahoma Scholastic Shooting Sports
               Program (OKSSSP), one of the Oklahoma
               Department of Wildlife Conservation’s suite
               of educational curriculums designed for
               school students.                        The OKSSSP furnishes all of the clay targets   Each shooter on winning
                                                       used for its events. With each five-person team   teams receives a wooden disc
                 Coordinator  Damon  Springer,  a  Senior   served 125 clays per round, thousands of targets   simulating a clay target.
                                                       are thrown during the course of the day.
               Education Specialist in the Communication
               and Education Division, has been in charge of
               OKSSSP since it began in 2013. The first year,   DON P. BROWN/ODWC
               50 schools were recruited to the new program.
               Each year has seen more schools sign up, and
               now about half of Oklahoma’s 400 or so high
               schools are involved.
                 “OKSSSP gets a lot of praise and thanks for
               what it’s done,” Springer said. “This is the kind
               of sport you don’t have to be an athlete to be
               really good and excel in.”
                 Schools incorporate OKSSSP in various
               ways. Many of them use it as a part of a
               yearlong outdoor skills class, where stu-
               dents also participate in the ODWC’s other
               education programs including Oklahoma
                                                       OKSSSP assistant coordinator Jason Smith, seated, and coordinator Damon Springer
               Archery in the Schools, Explore Bowhunting
                                                       look over the status of registrations for an upcoming regional shooting competition.
               and Hunter Education.                   Recordkeeping is an important part of conducting the statewide program that
                                                       involves more than 100 schools.
                 In OKSSSP, students learn proper firearms
               handling and safety, and they are usually using
               their own shotguns to participate in trapshoot-  DANIEL GRIFFITH/ODWC
               ing. Coaches are required to attend training
               sessions with ODWC before they are certified
               to teach OKSSSP.
                 It’s a competitive sport, and each spring
               ODWC holds four regional tournaments and
               one state finals event. More than 1,600 youths
               participate in those events.
                 A large part of conducting regional and
               state shoots falls on Education Specialist
               Jason Smith, OKSSSP’s assistant coordinator.

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